I have a '66 coupe and I’m working through the dash. First, off I have two extra holes just below the tachometer. They are very well done, so I’m wondering if they might be stock. If so, what could they be for?
But I think they were drilled by prior owner to make a modified dip switch. The dip switch on the column is missing.
Also, that heater control knob isn’t stock, right?
These wires confuse me. I think they are for the dip switch, but shouldn’t one of them be brown? I believe Blue/White is high beams and Blue/Red is high. The third wire is Blue with tracer that looks pink. Anyone see this before? Also, can I mount some sort of three way switch in the dash as a dipper? My theory is that prior owner used two separate switches to take the place of the missing dipper switch.
Not everyone followed the convention to the letter, so it is a must that you obtain a wiring diagram pertaining to your exact car model.
A catalogue well worth having if one messes around with cars, is from carbuilder.com
Go into the online version and on page 113/114 you will see many dip switches. Because you have a red wire (sidelights) in the bundle, I just wonder if a PO had fitted a rotary off-side-dip-main switch (see top right hand one on page 114)? But not sure how this would tie in with your vac pods - are they now electric maybe?
Have a look anyway and take your pick of dip switches if you want to change!
I would think your dip switch is on the floor, to the left of the clutch pedal. Look for 2 holes, about 5mm in the floor. There is an opening on the column, but originally, it was not used in the US, just the foot switch. I’ve often thought about installing a dip switch on the column on my Elans, but it wouldn’t wok during the day, 'cause the headlamps would be down.
Thanks, Roger. The dipper is on the floor, and unplugged. The set of three wires reach the switch, which has three prongs. Does anyone happen to have a photo of their floor dip with the wires attached? I can’t the marks on the switch as it is attached to the car.
On a side note, while I was down there with a trouble light, I discovered a Lotus Cars Inspection “stage clearance” tag tied with string to the steel reinforcement lattice. That was a cool find.
Sorry Joe, can’t help w/ photo since my cas are 900 miles away in Florida. I would suspect that the solid blue wire goes to the center lug, while the main and dipped beam wires go to each side and it doesn’'t matter which since the switch is simply a toggle between the 2 .Use your ohm meter to check that if you let the center be hot it, that the outer 2 terms toggle.