I have an aftermarket alloy fuel tank that came with my car. It has a female feed on the bottom, and one on the top left as shown in the attached picture.
There is not a pipe or line from the top left as shown to the bottom of the tank, meaning there isn’t a way of using the top fitting to draw fuel out.
That has be thinking I should use the bottom fitting to capture the fuel from the bottom of the tank to and filter and then use an electric pump to then feed it to the OEM fuel line in the top center of the trunk.
The bottom fitting is more likely for draining the tank for service. If you use a bottom of tank port for the fuel to the carbs, you will be sucking any and all sediment/debris present in the tank. Better to use the side fitting for the fuel supply.
Contact the maker (Axminster Panels) for their solution.
I have an Axminster tank like yours but the fuel take off is the same as the stock tank. I didn’t check that the tube extended to the bottom of the tank, assuming it was OK. And it is, it works fine.
Thank you for the responses. My tank is similar but is not one of his tanks, those were the clearest shots I could find of a similar set up. His work looks excellent.
Here is a shot of my tank, does not appear to be any connection / pipe on the inside which is why I was thinking bottom opening.
Agree that it is not an ideal place to have the fuel pick up (but my TR4A does it that way).
Looks to me like the fuel drain plug and a mounting bolt. The new tanks from Andy have bolts that hold them to the body, he’s done away with the three studs.
Does that threaded fitting near the top of the tank have an internal tube to near the bottom.
Then it would work as the original system.
If not then the tank has been incorrectly made.
I believe there is a requirement that fuel has to be drawn from the top of the tank so that if the car and tank are inverted and the fuel pipe severed, then fuel does not run out. The pick up pipe would then be in air inside.
It would be dangerous to draw fuel from the bottom.
Eric in Burnley
1967 S3SE DHC
Thank you for the discussion. I am working off a disassembled car, with some non-stock parts, and this is my first Lotus so I appreciate the patience and support while I learn.
I will get pictures of the tank posted shortly, still a bit early here in California.
This tank has a three stud mounting set up.
I cannot see a hose or pipe inside that opening I posted, there is an open space behind it and what looks like a baffle.
Eric - not arguing but curious why a bottom pick up would be unsafe?
I am not so sure about the details, it is just something I heard. It may also be that if the fuel pipe is damaged, with a bottom outlet on the tank it would empty onto the road whereas with a top outlet it is less likely.
I can see that in some vehicles it could still siphon out, but that doesn`t make it a bad idea.
looking forward to hearing what you find.
A suggestion for a possible solution, find out the thread type in the top hole, go to your local plumbing store and pick up some 1/4 copper pipe and try to find a swage/thread fitting similar to the picture below. Pict. is 3/8 parts but similar type parts available for 1/4 pipe. Bend the pipe about 90 deg. and to suitable length so end just off the bottom and with some finesse fit in the tank with some pipe extended of course past the swage. I suggest wrapping the fitting into the alum. tank with teflon tape, as brass and alum. like to seize together. (eg. the diff. plug!)
( I have used teflon on the bottom plug on gas tanks and seems impervious to gas.)
Oh, … if there is a flanged stop for the pipe you may need to drill out the flange stop to pipe dia. to enable pushing the pipe all the way through.
Hope you can find suitable bits. I just had my original tank out to replace the sender; can’t say placing the sender mid height and inaccessible was Lotus’ better idea…lol…
Hope things are well in SoCal.
So that there is no misunderstanding, the picture of the fuel tank shown at the top of this thread is of one of the tanks that I have made, but the issue stated and the pictures shown later in the thread relate to a tank that I have definitely not made.
Many thanks,
Andy Wiltshire
Axminster Specialist Panels Ltd