Correct type door seals

The seals on my '67 S3 Coupe looked the same as on the Austin/Morris/MG 1100.

But does “correct” mean different types for other series of Elans?

The account from Brian Walton…

…included this tip:

"Oh by the way I haven’t mentioned the door rubbers…I asked if he knew where he had seen this particular type. MG 1100 was the reply. And sure enough the next morning I found a MG 1100 in very smart condition just about to go to its maker-crusher. The door rubber is the same! You will find that the passenger door surround is the best. Most owners of MG 1100’s never carried rear passengers (the rubbers become flat) and the drivers door becomes over used.

Anyhoo…the MG 1100 seals currently shown on the net looks like this, and is similar to the OEM stuff. Anyone tried it?
