Some pictures from this weekends Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix
Some great pictures. Looks like a great event. May be one to do in between Classic Le Mans years.
I have uploaded a video clip from the race to YouTube, you can watch it here:
A great event, but hard on material…Each year you get everything from total write-offs to minor dents…No ( NO!) room for mistakes of any kind, as safety zones are non existent, and track surrounded by steel and concrete…Don’t ask me how I know pls…
But from a spectator’s point of view… ; - a truly great event with lots of atmosphere and action !
Hi Jannik and Dag,
Great photos…
Just wanted to ask you if any of you have ever raced at the Intereuropa event ay Monza as I did recall three Danish entries with UK registered elans under a tent three years ago?
This year the same event was reopened after three years due to noise emission problems but the only Elan on the track was mine and I was participating as a club member on a free run around on the track!!
On the last event in 2006 there were at least 6 elans.
Milano Italy
Hi Gino
No it wasn?t me.
I don?t race, not because of lack of interest though, but I can?t afford it.
- Dag I can understand why you don?t want to race the streets of Copenhagen again. Up to 30 cars at the start no run of and the track is lined with steel and concrete! The safety car was out in more than half the races, so a lot of racers had to go home and fix more than a few scratches.
But it is a great spectacle for us at the track side, it?s fun when you can get so close to the racing.
- right you are Jannik , it is a great event ! I will definately go again, but as a spectator…! When I hit the wall some years ago, we had an E-type climbing across a Lotus Eleven, a Lotus Cortina with break failure (?)after passing the finishing line, resulting in absolutely no Cortina in front of the A-posts…, another Elan tearing the front suspension off…
Yes, it is “fun” from the grandstands, but seriously, driving an Elan down a narrow street in abt. 110mph, heading for a concrete wall, hoping you don’t miss the breaking point, is not for me…As you say, I can’t afford it ! - and my wife won’t let me…( - not in an Elan anyway…!)