Coolant volume

As title. S3 with the larger Stanpart radiator.
I’ve had a search of the archives and workshop manual, but I don’t seem able to find a figure, so help please!

My Workshop Manual states 14 pints or 7.9 ltrs. (page 10 of my manual).
My car is an S3 with the big radiator too.

Doh! Indeed it is on page 10. Thankyou :smiley:
(As my wife would say to me ‘you didn’t see it because you did a man search!’)

My late S2 has the S3 radiator, but I’ve never been able to get anywhere near 14 pints into or out of the cooling system. I’ve opened the block tap of course, and blown it through at low pressure to try to ensure it is empty, but still nowhere near 14 pints will go in. I don’t have any overheating problems either, which is ok, but I do worry about antifreeze mix concentration, and thus corrosion inhibition, if I’m not clearing all the old coolant.


Just slowly refilled my Sprint, starting at the thermostat housing and with the nose way higher than the back end courtesy of a tilting lift. The tilt aided a little in removing some of the trapped air. After refitting the thermostat I slowly continued at the rad filler. I think I’ve managed to get a total about 5.25 litres in, nothing like the 7.9 quoted in the manual . It be interesting to see what happens when I run it.

5.5 litres in engine, radiator and heater, with additional 400ml in my non standard recuperator bottle. I expect it’ll need a small top up after running, but as said nothing like the 7.9 litres specified in the manual.