This one has really got me confused so any suggestions would be welcome.
A few weeks ago I finally completed a full engine rebuild top and bottom ends with new Burton water pump conversion as last year’s rebuild was disrupted by a very premature water pump failure.
After the usual minor niggles I got the engine running and have to say that it it really flies with loads of power throughout the rev range. However, after a round trip of around 100 miles I noticed a worrying puddle of fresh coolant pooling under the engine. The radiator was, of course, down and upon checking underneath with the engine running a steady drip of clean coolant could be seen dripping off the oil filter seal (cannister type). I considered that it looked to be getting pushed out of the filter housing but after dropping the sump an finding no traces of water in the oil I decided it must be a leaking bottom hose which was chaffing the filter housing.
I therefore ordered one of those excellent Samco hoses from cliveyboy and fitted it over the weekend before replenishing with fresh coolant. Afetr a quick drive around the block, engine running perfectly, I got back home to find the same leak and this time I confirmed it to be leaking pure coolant, no trace of oil, between the rubber seal and the filter housing.
I have tried to apply some logic to this but haven’t managed to convince myself yet.
Am I right in assuming this is most likely a cylinder head gasket problem as the most likely point for water to enter the oilways? The head was skimmed by QED before refitting and appeared to be in good condition. If this were the case would there not be coolant in the sump when I dropped the oil and why does only water get extruded from the oil seal with no trace of oil whatsoever? I know oil and water don’t mix etc. but I thought there may have been some traces.
What is my best strategy to pin point the problem? Remove the cylinder head and look for signs of leakage? nothing exetrnal at the head gasket. Or do I get one of these leak down tester things or use a pressurised coolant tester?
I have not considered a leak from the block as this seems least likely and too depressing to contemplate but any observations, suggestions or previous experience of this phenomenom would be most welcome.