I’d be very grateful for any insight as to what next to do. I’ve a replacement control box (new old stock ) which I have fitted which hasn’t solved the problem & before i write-off this ‘new’ control box i thought i’d try and learn a bit more about these old things…
printed off instructions for testing generator & control box and have given dynamo clean bill of health and the D & F wires too. I think I MUST BE DOING SOMETHING VERY STUPID BUT I CAN’T FIGURE OUT WHAT IT IS
Here’s where i come unstuck …
with engine stationary and A1 & A leads pulled off control box and connected to each other , I put a voltmeter between A and E terminals on control box it says YOU SHOULD READ AROUND 12V . I read about 0.1 v
Instructions diagnose this as break in earth i.e. poor earth to E . However, when I run a new good earth to E it’s the same !
can’t be right can it!
Incidentally , rather than join A1 & A it recommends putting a piece of card between the contacts to isolate the battery but I’m damned if i know which contacts it is referring to … LH bobbin or RH bobbin.
This is a steep learning curve for me and I’m not yet finished I know!
don’t suppose there’s much chance of that MOT i was aiming for tomorrow unless one of you has the magic?