My standard Steel wheels (13") measure 14" in diameter as do my new alloy ones but are shod with 165/80 13 tyres ???
You mean somone has been telling “Porkies”.
Must admit i’ve always been partial to Melton Mowbray “Cock Eyes”
The nominal diameter of a wheel is measured where the tyre bead sits not to the outside of the rim flange.
And I like your pies too.
A good question to debate over a pint & a pie at the local.
I’m famous in Melton Mowbray, they think I’m the conservative MP for Tunbridge Wells.
+2 for the tyre bead in addition to the +1 from Graeme, I have 14 inch wheels that measure 15 inch just to confuse.
After a lot of swearing and cursing Tyre fitter managed to fit the 13" tyre using levers as the machine could not cope Interestingly I have weighed both wheels 13 x 5.5 with same size tyres 165 80 13 Chrome rim steels 12.8Kg Alloy 10.5Kg
The wheels mount upside down in tyre machines.
Or front down!
Some old tyre tube helps to not mark the rims/wheels
The well in the Lotus alloy for a Plus 2 is to shallow so removal and fitting new tyres is very hard
My tyre place cuts off the old tyres and hates fitting new ones especially low profile stiffer sidewall tyres that I use. The Lotus alloy wheels are also very soft so easy to damage if the air pressure in the tyre fitting machine turned up to aid the fitting
I use an experienced race tyre supplier used to all sorts of challenges dont try you corner quikfit tyre shop
For Lotus +2 Alloys fit from back NOT front.
sure, my Coats machine won’t grab them from the back. They slip, where as from the front, no problems
we are not speaking about steel? alloys are fine from the back!
for my alloys, I go to a centre/hub clamp so I do not mark up the rims