Colour change?

I have owned my 1969 +2 for a few years and the paint is not looking too good (the usual crazing and flaky paint) so I have decided to bite the bullet and treat the old girl to a new paint job. It’s going in next week and I have a big decision to make, whether to change the colour or not. So I thought it would be interesting to start a debate about which colour the +2 looks best in. At the moment it is Ford Imperial Red (Maroon) and was last painted in 1992 (before I owned it) I have no idea if this is the original colour but it does look good.

I am not really keen on White or BRG (sorry) and think they look great in Turquoise and Yellow. I saw a bright Orange one at the Lotus show, Donnington Park this year and it looked great but my interior is Oatmeal so I don’t think that would look right. Anyway I have changed my mind loads of time already and will do several times more before next week so any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


For my twopennyworth, I’d say Lagoon Blue with a silver roof, or the current Ford Colorado Red.

I’m still not sure as to the colour my one’s going to be yet, I’d prefer a mild custom job based on the Lagoon blue scheme (slightly darker with a bit of purple pearl in the laquer to catch the sun light and high lite the cars shape). For me its all down to budget and who sprays it!! If left to me then Colorado Red wins hands down as I’m a crap sprayer!!!


I think that Yellow looks just fab on the Plus 2 and 2 seaters. I haven’t seen a metalic colour that suits an Elan yet, but of course you’re going to get an opinion for every colour there is…But stick to YELLOW :smiley:
Here’s a picture of Si 130/5’s ex Lively Lemon, as Bernie called it. WOW

not seen a metallic colour that suits the +2?! I know you’ve not seen it in the flesh yet Mark, but surely?! I still think it’s the best colour I’ve ever seen on a +2 elan… (see +2 with tigermoth in the gallery…)

…but then I’m biased… :smiley:

Hi - apparently Ron Hickman always pictured the +2 in red as he was designing it.

Mine is a scarlet red/black roof combination (PO did this last year - previously all black) and it looks sensational.

I really believe this is one of the very best colours for such a sexy car as the Plus 2.

Enjoy your research!

My +2 is yellow, after starting life red, then painted black, then dark metallic green. . It’s probably the only car in the world I could live with in yellow. I have pics of it when it was dark metallic green and I think it looked gorgeous. I’d seriously consider a darker color as it hides the seams for doors, headlamps, etc; much better. Any lighter colored roof is attractive in my opinion.
Consult with your painter concerning paint on paint on paint on fiberglass… Surface cracks caused by winter contraction and summer expansion can ruin an otherwise beautiful finish.


I’m struggling with the same decision. I took lots of pictures at Stoneleigh and Donnington in the hope that one colour would stand out.

The first question is whether originality matters. I’ve seen lots of different shades of Red, Yellow and Blue.

I think I may well go with a non standard colour on my non standard car. I agree with Mark on metallics but I’ve already decided to get a specialist to spay it - I’ve done too much hard work stripping the paint to spoil it with my spraying.

My current favourites are lagoon blue and the gunmetal colour that Spyder used for their demonstrator. Lagoon blue looks great with a metalflake roof but refinished roofs never seem to look as good as the original.

Colours I don’t like. Well I’ve never been keen on the aubergine colour and I don’t like Gold metalflakes. My wife doesn’t like white.


If I repainted mine I would seriously consider black - I just like black cars…

I don’t usually like white cars but it does suit elans in my opinion.

I have also seen Purple and metalic brown which appeal to my '70’s leanings!

Not sure who’s this one is but looks very nice:

Black is fine if you can keep it perfect. I’ve had two black cars and they show every mark. It would be hard to get a fibreglass body that good!

Dark, small vehicles are hard to see. In New England folks don’t mind pulling out in front of you, less so if they do not see you. If you don’t mind being a new bonnet emblem on the SUV then black, dark grey, brown, etc. are the right colors. Being seen is what you ought to be trying to achieve, Lotus had it right with the safety yellows, chrome orange and pistashio greens. I made a mistake having my S2 painted BRG, it has nearly killed me more than once. Just something else to think about when changing color, the cops can see the bright colors too, but they normally just do the radar thing and color isn’t that much of a concern any more.


I have always considered single dark colours to look the best on a +2 - it shows their shape to best advantage and enhances their elegance. One of my favorite pictures is from the part work ‘The Car’ issue 45, a late model in purple- wonderful!

Regarding the Elan, although I may be slightly biased, white is my favorite, the colour of my own car (or was, I only have a few more hours of paint removal left :smiley:). Regardless of any originality issues, I still would not consider any other colour for the car - it just looks right. Having said that it still looks the business with the paint removed :exclamation:

and don’t those last few hours take a long time…

Yes, door and window areas :exclamation:

Luckily the window rubbers and door drip rails were not removed for the one and only respray the car has had so the paint is not too thick in these areas - the end is in sight :slight_smile:

Decisions, decisions! I quite like that metalflake red/brown next to the TVR purple… but hey! what do I know!

'Took me months to choose red!!.. Do you know how many reds there are out there?!

My sprint is yellow over white.

Looks great but whenever I park near grass it is bombarded by flies trying to make friends…

My only solution has been to stay on tarmac well away from grass and try to drive faster than the swarms of insects…

Hope the info is of use.

Good luck with the selection.


Hello Sean,

Was your car painted by Kelvedon motors around 1989?

As you have an early car, painting it all yellow could be a good answer. My ‘lively lemon’ (I used to call it RED as I was told the registration letters LAHL mean red in Hindi) looked wonderful and it went with the shape.

Everyone has their favourite Plus Two colours and all I can do is suggest mine. I’m trying to find a perfect match in modern paint for the original cellulose maroon colour for my restoration S130/5. So many are too purple, too red or too light but when I find it this is what I’ll be going for (see first picture). I know silver metalflake sills were never on the menu but this was the car that stole my heart when young and I have to recreate it.

Mike is quite right about the poor standard of metalflake roofs these days. Most people seem to blast on silver paint and sprinkle a miserly dusting of flakes leaving huge areas of silver paint like the roman purple shell at Paul Matty’s. I’d insist on a solid covering.

The second pic is the correct and original shade of maroon and if the owner is reading this I’d be very grateful if he’d PM me.

Can you post a picture of your car Sean?

Best of luck,



I love yellow on the +2 and also BRG. In my case the car is a BL MG colour “new racing green” Looks fantastic I think…


Hello Si

Thanks for all the comments, it is proving very difficult to come to a decision but I still have a week or so to make up my mind. Im about 80% sure I will keep it the same colour but will let everyone know what I end up doing. Heres a photo of the car, does anyone know whether Ford Imperial Red was offered by Lotus as an original colour?


I have tried to add a photo by using the add an attachment section without success, anyone know how to do it.

Have you got the colour code on the VIN plate? L11 for Regency Red? If you have, that would swing it for me. The Ford colour wasn’t standard but of course you could have any colour you wanted. Here are the standard ones:
Some of the Lotus colours were the same as some Ford colours…Cirrus White for example. You would have to check out the paint codes.

Keeping it the same color will reduce the cost of the repaint, what with door frames, ends, boot insides etc; not having to be redone. BUT, if you decide to change colors, it would be neat to figure out it’s original color and if that’s acceptable, paint it that as it will be worth more upon resale.