I’m getting close to get the Elan back on the road.
Thanks to Dag Henning the head is back on, tuned and ready for start up
Right now, biggest challange is to get the retaing (locking?) clip holding the clutch slave back in place.
Having bought a new slave and clip, I find it very tight beside the gearbox - so; is there a quick guide how to fit the retainging clip? I hope I don’t need any special tool???
It’s much easier with a circlip tool. Only about ?5 in my local Auto Parts store…
There are basically two types:
One that expands the circlip.
One that contracts the circlip.
My one does both. (Not at the same time, it needs adjustment to do so).
The alternatives (screwdrivers, pliers etc.) can lead to much cursing, possible bleeding fingers and a nagging doubt about whether the clip is seated correctly/damaged…going to break…(all un founded…but a nagging doubt none the less )
I’ve done the clip both ways and the ?5 was well worth it.
it appears you have the “original”, old circlip, which can be a pain…Change it for a new one with “ears”. If you can’t get hold of one, I’ll put one in the mail to you.
… The “original” circlip has one (if only) quality , its thickness is matching the size of the groove on the slave cylinder … for a more positive fixation.
If you have time … keep it !
This question seems to re run itself all to often, All to often the answer to the question is WRONG. Use the original style of clip they are designed to work in this scituation
where the circlips with “ears” are not. The ones with ears will fail at the worst time it will dump brake fluid onto you exhaust, get the idea yet… use the correct tool and the
correct part and life is good. The correct tool is available from snap-on or any of the decent tool makers, you don’t have to pay a lot, I got a set of 4 for $160, you can do
better if you shop and you don’t need all 4. The photo is of the one I have been using to dis-assemble and re-assemble the snap rings in the Ford gearbox, if you
ever have to go there you will need them. The part number for this set of plyers is SRP2.
more info can be found by searching on google, it works and you may not have to ask the questions over and over as most of these topics have been covered.
From the google search box ( www.google.com ) type in
slave cylinder clip site:www.lotuselan.net/forums
This will bring up a few of the past postings on this subject and if its not the answer you want to read, ask your questions.
There are some good answers already there on most topics. Here are some for your question.
In the above photo the top two rings are shown with the side that you grab the ring from towards the plyers, the bottom ring that my finger is on is grabed
from the opposite side (from the bottom of the picture).
Working in the tools-industry, I’ve already ordered the correct tool for the job
As it won’t be delivered until monday or tuesday (employee shopping is not proritized , but prices are ), I can concentrate on the engine tonight and during the weekend
Big challange though, is to find space for the work with the gearbox in situ… Perhaps Dag-Hennings suggestion is the best after all, if I can find one with the correct thickness…
I am not trying to start anything with you, I just don’t see any reason to recomend something that can fail. I have used snap-rings with the
ears in the past and I didn’t have it fail either. But some others have pointed out that they have. Ford and Lotus would not have used them if they could source
something easier or cheaper, lets be honest here - there was no one more thrifty than Chapman.
I measured the thickness of the snapring with the ears at .050 inch, the Ford/Lotus part was .064 inch. One is sloppy in the groove the other is, well, tight.
The C clip on the right is well used and has the hammer marks on it to proove it. The on on the left is also used but not quite as beat up, it still slides around on the ring groove, loose fit…
Just a request - could people send smaller pictures? - it’s a pain to have to keep scrolling left and right to read the text. Some of us are still using the 1024x768 resolution.