No doubt I am not the first and will not be the last, but how do you bleed all of the air out of the clutch slave cylinder? As fitted the bleed nipple is at the same level as the inlet pipe, not above it, so how does the last of the air at the top of the cylinder get released? I have fitted a new slave with home made heat shield, the master cylinder has been refurbished, the clutch plate has plenty of life left in it and the adjustment rod has been correctly adjusted but despite all this the clutch only releases sufficient to change gear when the pedal is right down to the floor and other than the last bit of travel, feels soggy. Bob
as your closing her nipple, have an ass istant slowly depressing brake pedal.
otherwise, use a piece of hose that tightly fits over her luscious rosy red and extend above said nip.
you may choose to reverse bleed, with a pump or pressurized vessel. or pressurize the clutch reservoir under low pressure.
gravity works fine, with the hose
as when the pedal is fully depressed, this closes the port so no more fluid should be lost
Hi Bob when i did mine i used an eazibleed and had a mate press the pedal down at the same time which forced the air out, this was the last resort after several failed attempts,good luck.
Wedge the pedal down overnight - the air will be gone in the morning
+1 you can jam the Clutch Pedal down overnight.
Some remove the Slave Cylinder and make a tool to stop Slave Piston coming out of Cylinder.
Then bleed and orientate so Bled Nipple is at top to let Air bubble out.
Then refit to Bellhousing.
Your choice 2 methods
Thanks all for replies. Have managed to rotate the slave cylinder by slightly reshaping the inlet pipe so that the bleed is just above the level of the inlet. Bled again and has done the trick. Much fun and games with the spanners given how close the manifold exhaust pipes are. All clutch hydraulic parts now swathed in fibre glass motorcycle exhaust stuffing to reduce heat take up as much as possible. Thanks again. Bob