How long are folks’ clutch seals lasting? I’m using Castrol LMA and only put 1-2k miles on the car per year. About 4 years ago, I replaced the seals on slave, then shortly later on the master. Then last year, seals gone again, so purchased new slave and master units. Just bleed the system over the weekend as the fluid had gone really dark. I’m guessing due to the slow deterioration of the seals. Thanks. Dan
You can count on replacing the slave seals on a regular basis until you fabricate a heat shield for the slave cylinder.
Do you have a design suggestion?
I searched the archives and think I have an idea of the design you used, but a picture is worth a thousand words…did you ever figure out how to load your pictures?
I’m not right under the car, but couldn’t I just mount something to the fiberglass side of the footwell/tunnel. Put a small metal plate on the inside, maybe 1" x 5", then maybe a 6" x 5" piece of sheet metal that just bisects the space between the slave and exhaust to reflect the heat away from the slave.
I did, and I was doing just fine until a person who shall remain anonymous lost the cord that connects the camera to the computer. We’ll find it eventually as the camera is filling up with photos. I can tell you this. The exhaust doesn’t simply go near the slave. It practically wraps around it as it does a 90 degree turn. You have to put a shield in between the exhaust and the slave. I’ll keep looking for the cord!
Got a good look at the slave cylinder this weekend. I can see why folks are hanging their heat shield from the bell housing, it seems like it is the only option as the frame prevents hanging from the footwell. If anyone has pictures of what they’ve made, please post. Also, if they are using the 2 lowest bell housing bolts, please include the size that are needed to accommodate the shield. Thanks. Dan
…old guy muddying the waters.
I’ve owned seven or eight Elans since 1974 and have NEVER had a clutch seal problem.
Sounds like another new type rubber seal versus hydrawlic fluid choice conversation coming on.
As far as heat shields go, I’ve never had one, never needed one, I’ve driven my Elans hard and fast, including autocross, drag racing, and 100+mph on the highway but never any track days, unfortunately.
I would love to be in that position, but I’m not. Could be the rubber, but my car is not original to me and a PO put different cam shafts in of unknown origin. The car is very fast, but also runs very hot. Seems to get to 90C and stay here while moving. At a light, you can watch the temp climb to 105C with fan running and large aluminum radiator. Getting the revs and water flow up a bit will control the climb a bit. Its got a new water pump, head’s perfect… It’s just a hot engine with a header right next to the slave cylinder. Have been tempted to swap out the cams for something more temp friendly, but where’s the challenge in that.
The design I’m thinking about for the heat shield would box the front, outside and bottom and bot through the slave cylinder’s hole for the spring and spring would hang from the shield. Once I get the dimensions worked out, I’ll post for others to see and comment on.