Club Lotus, Ne England

When I baught my +2S back in July, I joined Club Lotus. I waited until August and drove up to the Newcastle area meeting, but didn’t see another sole, apart from two guy’s working on a kitchen. :angry:

Are there any other Club Lotus members from the North of England on this Forum, and does anyone go to the monthly meetings. I may well need to go to the North Yorkshire meet as I am between the two sites.

Regards Jack

I live near Newcastle and occasionally (very) go to the meetings at the Newburn Motor Museum, Its a very quiet affair.


We had pretty much the same experience last year in Cheshire, parked a few cars away from the Club Lotus clique at a Classic show and they ignored us completely. We set up our own group, mainly via At the same show this year there were more of us - Cheshire Lotus Owners Group (CLOG) than there were of “them”. I’m still a member of CL but having a week-end away dressing up as schoolgirls and prefects is not really what I’m after!

My advice, if the established clubs do not cater for you- track down some locals via and do your own thing. is our web site join us if you want, subscription = nil.



Hello from Ohio USA. What is a Club Lotus clique? I’ve been to British Car Days over here for years and find myself shuffled off to a corner of the show but never thought this happened in England. What is this about?


Join us - NE Lotus owners club - meet every month between Durham and Chester le street with normally about 12 present. We have about 30 members with variety of cars - mainly elans, plus 2 and excel.

I’ll try to mail you our latest newsletter now - if its possible from the info on this site.

David Clayton

1971 +2s130/4

Thanks for that Dave, I will send you my email address.

Jack :smiley: