clips & LOTUS letters

before I make a big mess, would anybody help me with some advices how to fit the LOTUS letters on the boot-lid?
how the clips works?

it’s nearly impossible to fit them from the bottom, some letters are deep in the lid cave.
do I have to fit the clip in the pin of the letter then push them into the hole? mmmhhhh I’ll crack the paint
do I have to make the hole a bit larger? … then they will be wibbly_wobbely
double side adhesive, special 3M structural adhesive, maybe
how did you fix them?
have a nice week end.

I?m going to try the 3M Emblem Tape: … 846&rt=rud

Looks like a good alternative but haven?t tried it yet. Only issue may be to work around the emblem pins. But this video illustrates how to do it:

Accidenti! 30$ for a 30 cm stripe! I?ll do the same with some Bostik and a lot of patience

Clip pushed into hole then pin pushed into clip.

I?m pretty sure I put on the clips and then pushed them into the hole and if I felt almost any resistance I used a very small drill to drill it out a little bit more and the most important thing is that you don?t expect any sideways deviation of the pins as they snap off readily. Gordon Sauer

+3 to clip then letter.
Yes hole needs to be correct size.

Fit to the body first but leave them slightly proud of the surface so the pin on the badge doesn’t just push them through. (btw don’t forget the holes will need to be cleaned out if you have had paint, might not be too small but rather closed up in with paint)

I found if you fit them to the badge first it carves the hole slightly bigger as you push the badge home, so what you get is paint/grp shavings trapped between the badge and the body plus the badge isn’t as secure.

When i was looking for the original clips i did debate using double sided tape, the problem was the same as the newer plastic clips in that the badge didn’t sit flush with the panel (more obvious on the badges with plinths) so my fall back option was going to be PU body glue but thats a little to messy and permanent.

To supplement the clips a tiny dab of clear silicone helps to stop the letters wiggling.
