Hello everybody!
My first post! (other than stupid replies…)
Was at a large Classic and Vintage Car show (1200+ cars) last Sunday
where we managed to organise a few Loti into a line to show the
general public.
Just two +2’s this time, the rest Esprits, but also spotted a couple of Babies
along the way.
Next year I might actually organise more that 5 minutes before the
event an have a lot of Loti there.
Some pics below. Mine’s the brown and gold +2.
Take care,
Peter (73, +2S, 130/5)
Hi Peter
Nice Pics
I notice the ZV on registration marks on three of the cars. Is this code special for old cars in Ireland?? Do you get free road tax if older than a certain year. I hope they dont restrict your use in return.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for looking at the pics!
ZV is reserved for cars older than 30 years when they are imported
and first registered in Ireland (these days).
(My car is from the UK)
Road tax is ?42 for over 30 years and free (I think) for over
50 years.
Normally our numbering is YY County Sequential_Number
eg. a 2002 Dublin car that was 25th registered would be
02 D 25.
No, no restrictions as far as I know!
Take care,
If you import any car into Ireland , you have a choice of having a year related plate , for example a 1971 car would be issued with 71 D 1234 ( The D would be if you were registering it in Dublin , it would be C in Cork , G in Galway etc. etc. , ) or you can get an “ageless” plate , which are all ZV reg’s . If the car is over 30 years old it is classed as ‘vintage’ so no import duty applies and road tax is only €42 a year. Unlike the U.K. , there is no 1972 - like cut off point for this , so anything over 30 years old pays the low road tax
Thanks for the clarifiactions Robert.
One deviation. Import duty is a whopping ?50!