Choke/accelerator cable

Simple question really - what is the best way to trim a new throttle cable to my S4. I want to avoid any unsightly fraying.

i use tape on the end and a handygrinder with a cutting disc —ed :open_mouth:

I’d use very sharp wire cutters and leave enough tail so the set screw has total cable to bite into.

Solder the area to be cutoff with silver-solder first. Carefully grind through the soldered wires to shorten the cable to the desired length. For the choke cable solder 1/2" long areas where the setscrews get tightened onto the cable and the very end to prevent it from splaying all apart. Neat as a pin and it will never fray.

Soft solder works okay too. The wires can be more easily ripped free when grinding the cable in two though. Never try to cut the soldered cable with any type of cutters.

Practicing a few times makes the process much easier and a lot less stressful.

Solder the cable then with a sharp cheisel give it ONE hit resting on a solid metal surface ie a vice through the solder

Really sharp good quality side cutters work OK

They must be good’uns not ?2 off the market ones