I am curious about the age of my +2 chassis, as I have no information from the car’s history.
The chassis looks like standard Lotus, but has a removeable cross member, and the base of the front chassis uprights has a section of steel added to give two 45 degree angles. I have heard that the original chassis has a 90 degree angle at this point.
The chassis does not appear to be galvanised, but was finished in a silver paint, although there seems to be a galvanised area above the rear diff.
This finish was covered by a black non-setting coating before I bought the car 5 years ago.
Since then I have added waxoyl on the inside and black hammerite paint on the outside to preserve it.
My +2 has a chassis that was fitted in 1981 and made by a firm called Atherstone Sheet Metal in Leicestershire (I have the bill). It looks like a Lotus one at first glance, but is reinforced in numerous areas, and all the usual water/dirt/rust traps are boxed in. It also has a removable cross member under the engine and a front box section drain plug. It is not galvanised but just black painted, and is therefore covered in surface rust where most of the paint has fallen off, but is structurally solid.
I have been told that Lotus chassis were not available in the early 80s, so there were a few firms that ‘filled the gap’ and supplied the demand.
Yours could be a Spyder one, as I belive they did (maybe still do ?) rebuild old Lotus ones by cutting off the rusty front & rear box sections/uprights and welding on a new set. However, I think they used their cylindrical front cross member.
I think an original one should have the chassis number stamped on the top flange near the exhaust manifold, a galvanised Lotus one has an ‘LR’ number on the top of the front box section , and a Spyder has an ‘SPY’ number in a similar place. Anything else probably does not have a number…
I will have a closer look for any numbers on the chassis My chassis also have a revoveable drain plug at the front. The cross member is galvanised and a length of U section.
This post got me to thinking. Only just acquired a '71 Sprint, and PO said it had had a replacement Lotus front welded on. An inspection on a ramp, by well-respected dealer said Spyder.
I had a closer look:
Front crossmember is cylinderical, with tow-hook and drainhole.
Plate fixed to top of front chassis rail, adjacent to dynamo/alternator, has no stampings, whatsoever.
So, which have I ? :
a) ‘Son of Lotus’
b) ‘Daughter of Spyder’
or for better/for worse
c) a ‘b*st**d’
From the description (tow hook, cylindrical cross member etc.) it sounds very much like a Spyder front end.
It may also be worth looking at the bolts that form the pivot for the front wishbones. I know a Spyder chassis had a single long bolt for both top and bottom w’bones, while I think, Lotus was different. Can anybody confirm this?
Looks like it is a bit of both Stuart. Think on it as a ‘development chassis’ . Certainly not a bastard!
Lotus Specialist had car on ramps and (I assumed) knew what he was looking at when he pronounced a Spyder chassis. If you’re both right, then I’ve got to question the age and the condition of her rear end (the car, that is) if it’s a Lotus rear.
What would tell me if it’s a Lotus or Spyder rear, please?
Try going onto the Spyder site and looking at the Spyder chassis in detail. That may give you a clue if you have a Spyder or Lotus back end.
The Spyder has mounting points for different back suspension.
If it is any help, I can take photos of the rear of my elan +2 chassis. Let me know what you want.
The chasis you have is almost certainly a “Service exchange” chassis from Spyder. See “Elan & Plus 2” by Robinson & Ross. I have the same chassis, the front of the chassis is replaced with a Spyder front cross member and uprights and has a detachable crossmember. The whole chassis is then stove- enamelled. This chassis provides a much more rigid front end and eliminates the awful front box member and corrosion prone uprights. Its also cheaper than an original Lotus or Spyder chassis. You’re a lucky man. Richard .