Hello everybody.
Sorry to bother you but could somebody please confirm where the chassis fixing points are on an s2 elan. I have already found the rear ones on my s3 but I’m not sure weather they are in the same place. We want to remove a body from a chassis this weekend, has anybody got any tips from experience of how we can make it a little easier.
Best regards, P
There are 16 attachment points and various other things need to be disconnected to remove the body. These may help…
Thank you very much roger. That is very useful.
Best regards, P
If it’s helpful I show the 16 fixing points in this video I made about the chassis: youtu.be/Ar5ynxMKYU0
The fixing point detail starts at 6:00 into the video.
That is exactly what I need. I have watched most of your s2 videos! Congratulations on a lovely car.
Best regards, P