Chassis felt again!

Sorry about this guys,

I’ve trolled through the archive for hours and theres plenty of talk about the felt but no thicknesses, a couple of people have suggested neoprene, but no dimensions!!

Please help!!


I used a (very cheap, about 4 quid) camping mat (the thing you sleep on in a tent!) from Argos, this is some sort of closed-cell substance, not neoprene but similar. It is about 5-6mm thick and is ideal for the job.


Did you give it a short term test for petrol/oil etc…?
John :wink:

I used a (very cheap, about 4 quid) camping mat (the thing you sleep on in a tent!) from Argos

No wonder you don’t like us looking under your car at Sweaters 'cos it’s probably BRIGHT PINK !!! :shock: :mrgreen:

Ian F.

Thanks Pete,

I’ve got a couple of those in the loft! guess I’ll have to raid the camping kit!


p.s. mines pink and green :blush:

Buy some good rubber/plastic/foam, doesn’t cost much. ~ 1 cm thick. Chuck the felt!

I am guessing the felt is fitted for two reasons. One is to cushion the fibre glass against the chassis to avoid point loading and cracking.
The other is to reduce vibration from the chassis to the body.
What ever you use should be able to resist fuel and oil, ideally not absorb water and be able to last the test of time.
Another point is that the material should be able to take the weight of the body and passengers etc with out compressing to the point where it is rock hard otherwise its pointless having it to reduce vibration from chassis to body.


ok, I’ve got some foam rubber stuff thats petrol and water resistant, obviously it sits on the backbone, but does it also sit on the ledge that the body bolts to at the bottom of the chassis? Or does it just run down the sides!!???



The ones I have seen that were original only had the felt running down the sides and the felt was not on the ledge.

thanks a lot Brian, the only pics I could find showed the spyder chassis, and that doesnt have a ledge around the bottom(only small mounting webs).



Here is a shot with the original felt on my old Sprint chassis- as always Mr Goodison speaks with non-bifurcated tongue!


Aww Pete :blush: …now if I only knew what that ment :unamused: …and “Mr Goodison”!..what am I …a doctor?

thats excellent guys, thanks very much!!!

