Anyone out here who wants to swap a Chapman signed steering wheel for the woodrim type as fitted to S1/2’s (and I think S3’s) ?
It was on my S2 but I’d like to get the correct one, it was recovered a year or so ago in leather (which cost me plenty) so its in good condition.
Anyones who’s interested mail me and swap pics.
I’m based in Berkshire with occasional trips to Yorkshire.
Hi Brian,
I’ve got an original! S2 wheel up for grabs… needs “some” tlc, and i’m located near portsmouth!! Maybe you should consider puting it on e-bay, they seem to go for alot of ??? and you could get a mint S2 example with lots of change!!! But if your desperate…
Do you know where I can get my wheel recovered. The brittle plastic cover has started cracking. Dropping it anout 10 years ago did not help
I have emailed you
I had my wheel recovered in South Africa as I spend several months a year there so I dont think I can help …sorry.
Pereirac - there’s a guy in Chobham, Surrey does them. He did mine a couple of months ago and makes a good job - charged me ?120 (he re-stoves the boss at the same time). I’ll post his phone number if it’s any use to you.