Certificate of Conformity

Hello out there and a very Happy New Year to all.

Can anyone tell me how I go about getting a certificate of conformity for a Lotus Elan +2. I will be taking it to France on a permanent basis once I move there at the end of March. As I will need to register and insure it as soon as possible once I have arrived. Regards Clem.

Easy peasy!!!
Email Brian Hope at [email protected] and attach a copy of your V5. He will then send you a Certificate of Conformity (in French) They do this for free unlike all the other manufacturers
Next is to fit LHD Headlights and the Controle Technique here in France. Be careful if your car is a 1973 like mine you need a friendly garage for the emissions control as its very tight for cars 1973 onwards. 1972 and older is fine
You then need a funny piece of paper from the tax office to say there is no duty to be paid. You will need the V5 (in your name) and original receipt for the car. I’m mystified by this bit as the information just sits in an office and is never input anywhere or looked at. (We asked the lady last time)
Next its of to the Sous Prefecture with all the above and proof of residence in France and proof of who you are for your new number minus about ?144
Any problems give me an email as we have now done it 4 times and that includes a Lotus Elan +2S 130/4 !!!
All the very best and best of luck in France

Hi , it’s also possible with “Carte ? Grise Collection”. You contact F.F.V.E. “Federation Fran?aise de Vechicules d’Epoque” for une attestation for the car( look for website F.F.V.E.). After you can have a Carte a Grise Collection. Which means you will only need a “Contr?le technique” every 5 years and not every 2 years. Starting from this Year you can drive everywhere with no restriction. Before you were restricted.
With a Carte a Grise Collection i can not see any disadvantages now only advantages. For the letter about the V.A.T. already paid you go to the “Hotel des Imp?ts”, it’s just a formality.
best of luck Alan ( near Chartres, France)