Central locking on plus 2

Hi all,
I can’t find the particular post on this. I remember reading about someone who had fitted this to their plus two and also I think there was a link or website with photos showing the central locking kit with remote fob.
I did try to save it the information but appear to have lost it.
Can anyone put me onto the correct thread please?

Also is there an easy way of searching for my previous posts?

Thanks very much

Go to Google and enter the following term

central locking site:www.lotuselan.net/forums/


google.com/search?num=100&hl … tnG=Search

Thanks to Gary Anderson for this idea. The search on LotusElan.net is a little problematic at times.

1968 36/7988

I purchased this kit from Spyder but have not installed it yet. Looks like it should be fairly straight forward though.



I do not know how expensive the Spyder kit is?
The Spyder kit looks like a univeral kit so should not be Lotus money?

Have a look a Maplins kit first, you may save yourself some money?


There are also lots of kits on Ebay.

Hope this helps


I’d agree with Jason, I’ve had a Maplins kit fitted to my '68 +2 for about 6 years, switched off the alarm so is truly remote. Only use the doorkey occasionally now just to check the barrel is not seizing up.

Bought the lot, alarm & locking, in one of their sales for less than ?50. No problems with it, except that water found its way into one actuator and I had to replace it - cheap replacements from Maplins.


I was thinking about looking at systems for MGBs and the like, the locks are BMC and there ought to be a suitable solution out there.



Has anyone fitted central locking to an early + 2? I have a 68 with the chrome internal handles and the heavier gauge operating arms.

Pics of the rod connection to the lock would be really helpful.



I can’t help you with specific pictures, but there are lot’s of universal remote central locking kits out there at evry reasonable prices. Take a punt at ?20 and make it work, looks like they fit most applications.

ebay.co.uk/itm/UNIVERSAL-REM … 0375507292

fitting an alarm will come with a central locking feature which you just add a couple of small motors within the doors connecting to the lock rods, any good auto electrical alarm fitters will do it for you

I am picking up 4 door kit tomorrow,it’s possible I can get another for under ?10 if other one still there I will buy it as well(clearance item) ,any one wants it let me know

I installed mine and found it problematic, so removed it. I purchased a replacement kit but have not installed it yet. The kits are pretty standard from eBay, etc.

The control module(s) can be fairly big, so before going too far with the install consider where you want the stuff to reside behind the dash.

Other issue is getting all of the required wires through the tube at the door hinge. I already used thicker wire for the window motors, so getting the lock motor wires in there was a bit of a challenge.

The main issue I had was with getting the motors to consistently move the lock rods. The kit provide rod clamps and stuff; issue I had was getting the servo firmly mounted and adjusted. I never did fully figure out how exactly Spyder expected the supplied mounting pieces to work. Definitely take a shot at your own mounting idea; great if you post results. :smiley:

My car has the later flat plastic interior handles; looking at the parts book yours looks like a stronger remote actuating rod. Not sure though, do you have a lock mechanism at the interior door latch? If not, I assume the servo would be mounted completely differently and operate vertically on the latch/lock unit.

My door locks are a bit of a pain even without the servo’s, so not really all on the lock kit. Anyway, nice feature when it works, and maybe I will give it another try.



yes a 5 minute lotus job takes 3 hours,thanks for info I got the maplin kit

Was ?33 then ?23 then ?9.99 ordered a set,went to pick it up ?7.99 sod that I’ll have two sets Thank You

maplin.co.uk/p/central-door- … stem-yd77j

You can’t better than that !!!

John :wink:

This vehicle could just be the one for you :smiley:

Hi John,
That kit doesn’t come with remotes and works from the standard key in the door or the locking lever of the handle inside. Will you link it into your remote alarm?

Nice one Kev…

The remote alarm was removed earlier this year ( well it was a sparkrite,18 years old ) as it was giving problems,hidden battery isolator switch is still there though…

John :wink:

so will you use the key to lock and unlock then?

confused of Tunbridge Wells

The plan is key in either door will open both doors and unlock boot?

John :wink:

My +2 has remote central locking, I only use the key for the ignition. I find the key locks a bit of a faff.

Why would you want to have the boot lid on central locking? Unless you have the earlier locking handle type rather than the +2S onwards remote release type I can’t see how it would work, in fact I can’t see how it would work with either type.

Still confused of Tunbridge Wells :slight_smile:

Yes,and I don’t know either till I take it apart and have a look…

John :wink: