center lock to bolt pattern connversion

Anyone know what hubs are needed to convert a +2 from the center lock wheels to a bolt pattern wheel? I have heard triumph gt-6 for the front, but dont know what for the rear. Baring this, any recomendations on who to get the steel center lock original style wheels from in the US?

Thanks, Andrew

Just a slight deviation from the theme,but would it be possible to knock out the pegs,thread them and fit studs hence nearly converting…
John (Heath-Robinson)

Hmm …“Heath” :laughing: … 5 drive pins…that would mean a wheel with 5 stud holes, aren’t the wheels just 4 holes? they are on my S2 and Europa.

It was just a thought…

On the same note: I’m looking for spinners to change my octagonal nuts with flaky chrome. Some should pop up again on ebay. Are the Lotus three eared spinners all the same with regds to thread depth/dimension?

I’ve got a '73 +2S130/5…

Just make sure that you have 2 each right- and left-handed threads
