On the recommendation of a friend who raced an old Esprit I’ve just put Castrol synthetic TAF-X manual transmission oil in my +2 5-speed 'box. It feels thinner than what came out and says API GL4/5, SAE 75W-90 on the bottle.
Is it suiltable for the +2 5-speed gearbox or have I made a mistake?
Grateful for any advice,
Well here’s the answer for anyone who fancies synthetic oil in their 5-speed.
The Castrol oil turns out to be an appropriate replacement for the hypoid light EP80 gear oil specified for the 'box. Castrol UK say the sulphur content is not high enough to cause oxidation to the brass and copper elements.
So, improved low temp gear selection and transmission noise levels minimised with no downside - I’ve noticed a difference since changing it.
Good Luck,
Has anyone used the Redline Lightweight Shockproof Gear Oil in Racing Dog Boxes (I’m thinking Hewland Mk5 in my case)
Or even the Penrite Pro Gear 70W-75 (which I presume is close to their old Sin75)?
A friend used Redline lightweight shockproof in his Lotus 7 with a 2000E Quaiffe dogbox with good success
I’ve used Redline MTL (75W80 GL-4 Gear Oil) in my 130/5 for a long time now and have always been very pleased with it. Much improved gear change when compared with mineral oils.
I also use use this in the 5 speed transaxle of my Europa Special too
GL5 eats brass?