Castle Combe 2021

Apparently Club Lotus are saying this is still on and they are taking bookings. 29th May I believe.hopefully most will have had both vaccines by then. Luckily I had my second on Friday.

Reckon I’d still mask up though

So, how many are up for attending?

I’d be surprised if it actually happens. Hope it does, but many forums are saying that the Silverstone Classic at the end of July seems a tall order…

I’m planning on going - Has anybody got any firm news if Le Mans Classic is happening?

Given that parts of France have just gone back into lockdown I think the Classic is probably unlikely. The 24 Hours has been put back to the end of August and whilst I hope to go I’m increasingly doubtful it’ll be able to happen with spectators.

As for Castle Combe I just think it’s a bit too early as even if the road map runs as planned, public events of any scale don’t start until 21 June.

We were booked for CLM, but as a “gang” we decided not to go again. Don’t see how it can happen with the state France is in at the moment.

Yeah - Thanks for the comments - Sadly I think I share your pessimism.

Club Lotus Goodwood is 24th April and still on.

Le Mans Classic just been postponed to Jul 2022, actual,dates not confirmed.

I think the situation for U.K. Events is potentially better and I have tickets for both the Silverstone Classic and The Goodwood Revival so am ‘adopting hope as a strategy’ on these. Guaranteed carry over or refund if they can’t go ahead so low risk.

I’ll be going, Club Lotus and Combe are both showing it as on and taking bookings for the track sessions

I’m off to Goodwood tomorrow with the Elise. Lovely weather forecast. Looking forward to seeing a few people from outside the village of twickenham again!

As I understand it this is still on. Apparently expecting/allowed to have 4000 people there.

I’m planning on bringing a pile of parts with me to sell on. They’ll probably be some of the heavier stuff including starter motors, dynamo, hubs, maybe springs and anything else that comes to hand. Bring some heavy duty shopping bags and plenty of cash and change with you if you’re looking for stuff. Going to spend the next few weekends sorting stuff, pricing and making lists.

The more the merrier bringing parts with them as I’m convinced a lot of folk attend for the jumble as well as the track stuff.

Don’t forget your masks.

Had a look at the Club website and it still seems to be on but the site hasn’t been updated since early April. I’ve asked AnnMarie if she can update with the latest news.

I’ve got my ticket…

Club Lotus confirm this is on and they’ve almost sold out of track passes. If you want to go on the track I’d call ASAP.

I’m intending to be there in my Elan. Are others going, and any in their Elan? How about parking the Elans together to make a bit of a display. I’ve was there in 2019 and it was good to see the M100 and Excels together.

If you’re going to be there in an Elan what do you think?


Fine with me if there are enough

Great idea, can I suggest we park up on the grass area behind the cafe, just across / behind the HLR chaps - they might take pity on us and allow us in :wink:

Forecast for Combe seems to be temperatures up to 17c in the afternoon, a lot of cloud but importantly no rain.

Hopefully an enjoyable day despite masks etc

I hoped to be there, but unfortunately I have a commitment I can’t get out of.

Should anyone care, Google map’s streetview works for the circuit. You can ‘virtually’ drive yourself around the track. I just did a lap to remind myself what I am missing.

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.


The weather was fine, there was a very good turn out and it was good to catch up with old friends.
