Carb mounts

Hello. Any thoughts (mounting Stromberg carbs) on Thackery washers v Viton ‘springs’? Classic Lotus stock both. If using the Thackery what ‘gap’ should you use? Recall the manual says 70 thou, but have seen 40 mentioned elsewhere. Many thanks, Nick

I’ve seen it recommended to use thackerys below and viton above - hope I don’t have that reversed!

That is how the Webers on my 7 are fitted. And I’m probably going to get some flak for this but I don’t use a feeler gauge when tightening – I just eyeball them.

Interesting. Thackeray below. Viton above. No ideas why that would be??

my understanding is so that the rubber mounts on the bottom did not get fuel soaked and deteriorate. May not be a problem now with viton but was in the day with rubber. Gary

Also due to the thackeries on the top being more likely to crack. Those at the bottom do not.


I’ve found that the quality of the Thackeray washers over the last few years has been poor, so I only use the Cosworth type (rubber bobbins & cup washers). I use them with a 0.030" gap between the washers. The set I have on my Alfa have been in situ for almost 8 years now, untouched.