Car ramps suitable for a +2?

I need a pair of car ramps to work on my +2 , wondered if anybody can recommend a set or
have experienced problems with ramps, I was going buy these on Ebay (item 290350216735) for cars
with low clearance as the Halfords ramps looked a bit cheap, thanks Chris

Most car ramps are suitable for a +2, as it has no front spoiler like a modern car, and also curves up at the back. I have had no problems with my +2 on ramps 8 inches high and 33 inches long.

Dave Chapman.

Cheap’s a good thing isn’t it? And yes, any bog-standard ramp from your local car shop will fit happily under a plus 2 and will take the weight fine. Keep your money for where it really counts - on the car.

Thanks for the info, Halfords it is then or Machine Mart , Halfords review page had purchaser
complaining that the ramps were powder coated and coating splits and rust set in.
As long as the car can be driven on and supported safely , cheers Chris


I agree with the advice from other members here, just choose the cheapest they will all work fine.

A handy tip is to attach 2 pieces of plywood to the front of the ramps, the weight of the car will then hold the ramps steady while you drive onto them, stopping the ramps from slipping (300mm long x the width of the ramp will be fine).



You guys are right. I’ve driven my +2 up and down standard ramps a bunch without a hitch, just make sure one or the other ramp doesn’t shift or inch forward upon intial contact.
As we are (were?) in the land of things in common I must add, they don’t work on the S1 as it’s too low. I place a two by six inch plank on the ground in front of the ramps to get the car’s overhang up that final critical inch or two, making sure nothing shifts during the drive on process.
I love Elans, they’re challenging even if you’re just trying to get one half off the ground.


I was told the easy way to prevent the ramps slipping is to take an offcut of carpet the same width as the ramp but about 3 feet long and loop it around the start of the ramp so you drive onto it before you start up the ramp = weight of the car stops the ramps slipping.