Can anyone give me any info on a capasative charge ignition that works
with my plus two tach and by lucas dizzy? Or any info at all on capasative discharge?
will an msd 6A work? Some people say it’ll make the tach read funny others say it will be fine there is a lead for the tach
recalibrated coming out of the box. Any help here?
I googled “capacative discharge ignition” and got 246000 hits. Some of them were very detailed technical descriptions which should help your understanding. Couldn’t find refernce to whether the tach would still work, but then there were about 245997 references to go…
Don’t know why you should particularly want to choose CDI as a method, but for what its worth, I use the Aldon Ignitor with a Lucas Gold coil and the combination works very well, with no effect on the tach.
Capacitive Discharge systems used to (in the good old days) produce much shorter sparks, with much higher voltages. Good for punching through gunged up plugs, but not much else. It is not a good idea to have much higher volts as the HT components will break down. (Sparks across to the carbs can be real fun). Having said that I guess it’s quite likely that there are some modern systems on the market that possibly do have advantages over normal systems.
I installed a Mallory HyFire VI-AL box with a Mallory Unilite distrb’r and coil. Had to get the RVI tach modified with a new circuit board to accept the digital signal from the HyFire. Very pleased with the improved performance and ease of maintenance.