Hello all out there,
I am hoping that someone maybe able to assist identify a cam for me. I recently aquired the cam, being told it was a sprint cam, but now I have it I can tell its not.
The cam has ‘MC25011’ ‘74E’ ‘51’ ‘A’ along the length and is stamped on the bottom with BLLA and 1606. The lift of the cam is 0.420 inches.
Any help would be appriciated, many thanks
Think you will find that the MC25011’ ‘74E’ ‘51’ ‘A’ is of no consequence, it is a casting number put in at the time Ford made it. I also think it is BLL4 and not a BLLA.
From my records:
BLL4 Similar to “L1’s” but with a slightly higher lift giving the BLL4 a marginal increase in power and rev range.
Valve timing 50/74/74/50.
Duration 304 degrees
lift @ valve .420"
Valve clearance cold .008" exh .009"
inlet full open @ 102 degrees
This is not really a road cam, more of a competition cam and cyl. head modifications are required,hope this helps.