ok I need some help here --does any one know the model number of these calipers and who carries rebuid kits and pads–the information isnt quite readable- on the casting -thanks --ed
They look like Girling AR’s a very common racing caliper, might also be Girling NR’s but doubtful if on the front. regardless of which -
Dave bean will have kits for them. Lee Chapman might/should have them.
OK THANKS --if one could find a large enough screw driver for the slot could it be undone ??? —ed
Shapecraft used to supply the large screwdriver for this caliper, you will find it in the special compartment built into the alluminium fastback, left side of the car.
Well these certainly are Girling AR calipers and a very interesting aspect to your car, more closely related to 26R kit than anything else presented to date. Lotus fitted ARs to early racing cars (such as Elevens), the Series 1 Elites and I believe only to 26Rs as far as Elans are concerned. The analogous NRs are used at the rear (mounting bosses for hand brakes included). The NRs were also fitted to Series 1 Elites and I would think to 26Rs but I am not sure. Service parts are available from Bill Hutton, Lee Chapman and Dave Bean in the US, David Mousley and Tony Thompson in the UK. Crosthwaite and Gardiner make new AR and NR calipers in the UK.
ok --thanks Russ -I have a lot more pictures of the chassis I took to remember what went where but they are too large for the web site so I didnt bother -----ed
Not sure the AR’s were factory kit ( hard to tell from the RAC forms) . However pretty sure the NR’s on the rear were not. Because of the ease in fitting them, their being there is not significant from a historical prespective either.
In the day people use to cut up old Brabham and Chevron formula cars so they could graft on the front corners - cost would not be a consider ation like it is today…
here we go ----IM outa here -Im SURE ABOUT THAT -ed
Ed ,
Sorry if you took ofense. It was not my intention. My comments apply only to AR calipers and not to any car in particular.
non taken --but that thread is under shape craft ----I just couldnt find what the calipers were to rebuild them – -ed
I think it would be very difficult to remove this plug. The AR and NR calipers are one-piece castings and the two piston bores had to be machined by going all of the way through one side. The threaded plugs were installed with an adhesive. It might be possible to break the adhesive down with heat, but the chances for damage are considerable. If the bores are in decent shape there is no need to remove this plug. In the worst case, new ARs are available.
Tony Thompson states that the ARs are standard fitment to 26Rs in his catalog. I also noticed them fitted to the Elan GT covered in the Library Items section of this forum. The 26R parts list, also at the home page seems to have been truncated recently.