Buying a '67 S3 coupe

Are there historic problems with these cars that are ‘the things to watch out for’ when purchasing? Do they suffer from some endemic issues that are worth focusing on?

Thanks in advance…

Go to GGLC golden gate lotus club, on their tech section they have a buyers guide on the elans that is worth a read.
Good luck, great car.

The "things to watch out for " must be endless ,it is a “lotus”

Here’s the link:

the only thing you don’t have to worry about is the air conditioning - becaues it doesn’t have any. Anything else is fair game. Then you have to worry about what the Po may have done.

Steve B.

Hello ducatichris,
This subject has been discussed on numerous threads over the past few years, check the archives. A little coupe is basically the same as buying any roadster or +2. The one item I’d really check is the frame, if it’s rusty, with any holes up front, it needs the body off replacement job so be sure the vehicle is priced accordingly. They’re great cars.

… My advice would be , if this car is the one (baby Elan FHC 67 )you are looking for , be sure you ll not have a thousand of them for a “comparaison test” … anywere in the world !
So , it’s only a matter of time and money … Time to discover , get the parts (all are still availlable) , and repare . Money only help to have the parts and sometime make the time shorter , sometime .
As the others , great car .

If you are in the UK
Go to Stoneleigh on Sunday 12 Nov.
Its the Lotus parts fair, featured car is the Elan.
There will be lots of members from this forum there (myself included) and you can look at various Elans and talk to the owners and specialists.


… Clive is right …
If you are in the aera , you have better to spend some time of your Sunday there … as I’ll do , without “OEW” unfortunatly.
This day is your best chance to have a close look to (more) cars and their details , parts , etc …

Let me recommed the Brian Buckland book. I just got mine and am only up to page 77 but it will show you what can go wrong with these cars and more importantly what parts are difficult to obtain (nothing that buckets of money can’t fix!) Wrecks, runners, and concours are all shown. The knowledge you obtain from reading is inexpensive when compared with experience.