Bulkhead grommets

I am waterproofing my Elan coupe. As part of this process I am replacing the bulkhead grommets, all of which have deteriorated and were letting in water. Standard grommets are made for use in sheet metal, and the groove in such grommets is usually 1mm or 1.5mm. This groove is too narrow for the thickness of glassfibre in the Elan. I needed at least a 3mm groove. I found a source for these grommets eventually (cableorganiser.com) in Florida. They are in imperial sizes too. They have just arrived, and look right. I’ll fit them over the Easter weekend and report again. I have attached an Excel file listing the serial numbers of the grommets I bought.

John Larkin.
Grommet chart for Elan web copy.xls (39 KB)

Hi John,

I’d like to know how you got on, because I need some of these myself.

