Bulb wattage

I needed a front sidelamp bulb in a hurry the other day and found a 5W in the garage, they are supposed to be 6W.

Anyway after fitting it I found that the indicators on the side with the new bulb were flashing faster - kind of the same speed as a modern car. I’d been cleaning up all the wiring connectors on that side so I assumed it was because of that but, after cleaning the other side there was no improvement.

So it must be the lower wattage bulb then, yes?

If so, is it a good idea to do the same on the other side? I like the faster flashing, I always wonder if other drivers notice my indicators when they flash slowly

A lower wattage bulbs draws a lower current. The speed of flashing from the original flasher cans was proportional to the current drawn as it was based on the extension of a wire heated by the current.

Thus I would expect a lower wattage bulb to cuase a slower flash not faster. So not sure why the side with the new bulb still flashes faster after cleaning connections on the other side also.



Check the cleanliness and conductivity of your earth connections from each flasher bulb. A high resistance to earth can cause the slow flashing.

