Its a very long shot as regards info. on how many B R M cars built by Mike Spence, but does anyone know, who is interested in finding out, the address of Robin Alabaster?
He worked for Mike Spence for many years spraying / repairing the bodies only leaving when Mike Spence was killed. I think he would have a reasonable idea of how many there were up until that time. His home address was in Windsor Berkshire, had workshops in Padworth and subsequently at Aldermaston but is now retired. He resprayed my car in `86 and was a mine of information on all Lotus of that period.
My first Lotus was purchased from Mike Spence, a white S3 DHC Reg.NYL 304E it was his wifes car he also had a road going Ford GT40, it was ?6000.00, I could not produce the readys for that, another lost opportunity!!!
Regards John.
Follow the link post just above by Adam, and you have the answer.
See post #5.
Spotted this brochure on eBay and had to have it. It fills in a few gaps about the BRM offering. Note that this brochure is post-Mike Spence, who died on 7th May 1968, so the Elan was by then the S4. Just right for your BRM, Ian. No mention in the brochure of the polychromatic dark green with orange blaze bumpers.
Fascinating stuff Mark!
unfortunately the resolution is not that great
Are you sure you have the readers on John and not the long distance
The resolution is as good as I can display with 1024 x 900 unfortunately. The original print is not too sharp, which doesn’t help. However, I do have higher res scans, which are better, if anybody wants them drop me a PM.
A Stromberg BRM Twin Cam - that’s unexpected…
haven’t touched a drop for over a fortnight, honest
That’s such an interesting document so if poss’ do as you mentioned with PM or otherwise bring a copy to Donington?
Many thanks
I’ve send you a copy, John.
Now then, what about those Strombergs, eh? Dispite Miles Wilkins proclaiming the Stromberg S/E engine as the best twincam, I’ve always felt that Strombergs were chosen by Lotus to meet emmission standards that couldn’t be met by the Webers, and because they were cheaper. But here we are…BRM have them for their high performance engine. At least on one page…on the other they refer to two twin choke Webers.
Matthew picked up on it quickly…got Strombergs on your car by any chance??
Just checked under the bonnet - definately Webers on mine!
That BRG over white Sprint looks good - don’t know if I’ve ever seen one before - or are they more common than I think?
I suspect that is a Lagoon Blue Sprint, photographed on a dull day and therefore has not reproduced well.
I have seen a British Racing Green over white FHC before, but it was a respray and not a colour option from new, unless to special order and I know of none.
Sadly David Porter passed away, so please do not try to contact him via ten tenths.
Bringing this thread slightly up to date and linking in the +2 BRM thread (read that so you will understand what I’m on about)… hopefully…
Whilst Paul Matty might have said that there were “a small run of +2s given the BRM treatment” during a conversation I had with Alan Rigarlsford, who worked at Mike Spence and painted all the cars they converted, he said that there was one +2, painted polychromatic metallic green, fitted with Minilites and one Europa; which he thinks went straight to a customer in Portugal.
Mike Spence developments continued (he reckons) for 4/5 months after he died, mainly preparing twin-cams for F3 cars, but also for Lotus road cars; interestingly he said that Ian Walker was also supplying BRM twin-cams at this time. MS Developments BRM engines were built at Maidenhead by Telford Cook, prior to this they had been supplied by BRM at Bourne.
The total number of BRM Elans built at Mike Spence was no more than fifteen, all were S3, about 50/50 fhc/dhc but one was painted in Jaguar dark blue with the day-glo orange bumpers.
Initially some BRM engines had standard cam-covers, than a BRM plate was riveted on standard covers and finally a special finned casting with BRM script. MS Developments engines had this casting in orange crackle finish and a Mike Spence engine plate with unit number stamped in it.
Alan meticulously kept a notebook detailing all the cars, engine numbers, chassis numbers, registrations, dates, etc. but this was borrowed by a chap who’s name was well-known in Lotus circles and who subsequently denied all knowledge. This is a tragedy; he is a bastard.
I have a couple of other leads to follow up, which I will do in the fullness of time.
Good info Pete.
And good luck with recapturing that book; that sort of info should be available to future generations of enthusiasts, not locked away in a safe.
Great information update Pete!
I love that picture of the B.R.M. cam cover simply perfection with the lighting, will need to download a copy for my computer background from your Flickr if that’s ok?
I have a friend who has had a basket case S4 converted by TTR to a B.R.M. replica. When he was younger he owned a genuine B.R.M. elan, but sold it and has been after one since… I should ask him for more information on this, see if he remembers who he sold it to, unfortunately he doesn’t use the forum.
Innes, by all means use the photo for your desktop. Please do ask if your friend has any info- registration number would be good, or if he has any photos to share.
Rare;y get colour shots back then so it would be a great article to find, as its the year book, I’d expect that the article on the BRM powered car was in one of the editions of that year, anyone have a complete set of 1972 Cars and Car Conversions?