British Racing Green

I would like to respray my 1966 FHC S3.
Does anyone know the reference of a modern paint easily available in Western Europe and as close as possible to the original BRG?

Vermach green?- :laughing: – brg has always puzzled me --green is associated with Ireland --why do the British use that colour–they use red white and blue jacks for most ever thing else :question: ed

I’ve painted mine a mazda colour - Neo Green. Very dark, but definitely one of the eight official versions of BRG and easily duplicated

How did the International racing colors come into being? Can there be various shades of all the colors?

I think the FIA had something to do with it in the 50s —but I don’t know if the colours were assigned or applied for ---- ed

I reckon that my plus 2 is very racing green. It is a British Leyland paint colour. I can try to look up the code for you if you like. It is in the paperwork somewhere.

was a fellow raced his Morgan in the SCCA with a ‘british racing flesh’ colour ----ed

Have a look here:


HEY Vikebo THANKS – that has been a long burning question --answered - :stuck_out_tongue: —ed

BRG can be anything from close to black ( Jaguar ) to very light green .(!) I asked Tony Thompson once, in order to paint a 26R replica as close as ever to the BRG that Team Lotus were using back then. Acc to TT, the MGB Brooklands Green is as close as you can get, but it is really quite bright. Then, the “fact” is one thing, - the taste is something different…

If I could choose I’d go with Brooklands Green, a Jaguar colour which is very dark, close to black, but looks fantastic in the right light.

For now I’m looking forward to next spring and polishing up the fading white on mine…


  • so I did…(!) I will pick up the body tomorrow from the paintshop, and I hope I made the right choice…! Next move is to pick the correct yellow for the stripe and the wheels…Another difficult choice I guess…Unless someone out there can give me a clue ??


What? really? Brooklands Green? post a picture when you get it, or if as I think, you’re actually here in Oslo, I’d love to have a look.
Send me a message…


-skal si fra n?r jeg f?r den i hus…( - and that’s not English…!!)


Hey Dag,
:mrgreen: Not fair! I have lusted over a having Cossy or twinkcam Escort for years. There’s none available here in the USA. Tried to buy the one Dave Bean had a few years ago but he traded it for a Lotus41 Formula B car instead and it got away.

:laughing: - sorry to hear ! Yes, they are nice cars, - remarkable handling for a “tin-top” , and fits well with Elans … ( - parts…) I will not sell you mine ( yet…) as it it original and unike with lots of history. But who knows…

BTW, if you are looking for the ultimate Escort, take a look at this : . It belongs to good friend of mine, who has owned and driven it for 32 years ! It is the ultimate Gr.4 BDG with brand new fuel-injected engine. He is considering selling, but you are talking big money ! I have been co-driving many times, and it is a thrill !!
Go through the pictures and lose your nightsleep… :wink:
Give him a call / mail if you are seriously interested.


Don’t forget the movies. :slight_smile:

Er det mange fra Norge her?!?


Hei, bare Dag-Henning og meg virker det som, dette er et utrolig bra forum som skaffer meg alle svarene jeg trenger p? dagen.

Sorry everyone this is not welsh, honest.
Seems we’re a 3 person Norwegian contingent here… I was just underlining the excellent value of this forum.



…that brings up something I’ve wondered about, is there any way for us to figure out where we all are? Locations are listed for some of us but not all, I think it would be FUN, not a competition, to see where we’re located by country. I’ve heard Elans are very popular in Japan, does anyone have any idea how many are there?..