Brighter (LED?) instrument panel light and tail lamps?

Has anyone tackled the issue of dim instrument illumination with modern (LED) bulbs. Same with tail lamps- I have been told on very bright days my brake/turn indicators are not “easily” discernible.

Has been discussed, try google etc led
Think the seller is in the UK, people were/are happy

I had the same issue with tail lamps. I quickly discovered the insides of the tail lamp lenses were dirty and the reflectors were dirty as well. I also found the brake/turn signal lamps were an old part number. I think somewhere in the old Lotus West “tech manual” there was advice switch to the #1157 stop/turn lamp. Much better results.


I have replaced all lamps in the car except headlamps and ignition lamp with LED type.
Simple direct plug in replacement mainly. The indicators need a new flasher relay.
Duncan at Classic Car Leds in the UK will make sure you buy the correct parts.
I can highly recommend him.
I know you are in the States, but this applies to other readers as well.
Eric in Burnley
1967 S3SE DHC

I have replaced all bulbs with LEDs and the transformation is amazing.

Go with Eric’s suggestion.

One thing though, and Duncan will suggest the same - for stop and tail lights go for the red LED and amber LEDs for the indicators as these will give you ( and other road users…) the best intensity of light behind their respective lens. He will also talk you through the panel light situation as well (do NOT replace the alternator light with LED, this must remain incandescent).

led lights don’t heat up the brittle rubber/foam

Another vote for Classic Car LEDs here. I’ve replaced all bulbs other than the ignition light with LEDs in my car. Whilst recent changes in UK law may force me to revert to filament headlamp bulbs I’m very pleased with what I have and would recommend it.

Duncan is excellent and so is Gill at

No affiliation just bloody good service.

To un-named Prisoner 7 who asked this question, I found one snag.
My instruments are of different ages, so some had bayonet fitting lamps, some screw lamps and one capless.
It didnt matter much as they supply all fittings, but it would help if you check what you have got already. It didnt matter much to me if I made a mistake as a new lamp was a lot cheaper than changing the lampholder.
and they cost so little that a wrong lamp was an easy gift to a fellow Elan owner.
Eric in Burnley

Hello, I have changed my exterior bulbs to led on my +2 and they are a marked improvement being a lot brighter than the old originals,also have changed speedo and Rev counter, Now I can see them in the night (in the garage anyway) haven’t changed the smaller instruments yet but have new led ones ready.I can recommend the change and got mine from classic car leds ( no affiliation).Steve

I tried doing my +2’s instrument lights with white LEDs but it didn’t look right to me. Swapped to warm white and bingo, spot on. Still have a box of LEDs kicking about.

I used these people as well, very knowledgeable and helpful.

I replaced the side lights/thimble lights on my +2 & S4 with LED as well as the tail/stop lights, my indicators on both cars appear bright enough so no issues with making enough electrical load to operate the flasher unit, although I’m aware there is a workaround for this.

Edit, I thought that the following extract from better car lightings website was worth posting

Definitely worth posting, thank you. Looks as though I won’t have to change back to filament headlamps after all :smiley: .