Brake Servo

Noticed last night that the rubber pipe / grommet on suction side of brake servo has split and actually fell out (this is one closet to thermostat housing). I’ve attempted a temporary repair with super glue and it appears to be holding. Doe’s anyone know if its possible to buy this bit separately or is it a new sevo job?

I’m not sure if you have managed to get hold of one but give these a call

Good luck

Thanks Dave.
I’ve been very kindly sent details of company specialising in servos: Norton Classic Servos at High Wycombe- 01494 563254.

Super glue holding up but clutch master cylinder seals leaking so out with the pedal box sometime soon.

Hi Phil,
I recently refurbished by brake servo with a kit from J&L. I may have the old elbow in my garage somewhere ? I will see if I can find it.

The only problem with replacing the elbow is that there is a nylon plug that needs to be inserted from inside of the drum or shell to hold the elbow in place.

I did manage to remove the outer ring clamp from my servo by cutting through the spot weld; I was intending to reuse the band by welding it band back together. In the end I used the new clamp supplied with the kit.

I?ll see what I can find and let you know.
