Brake light switch

It appears that my brake lights only work with lots of pressure on the brakes. Just had a guy shout at me telling me my brake lights are not working. Has any one converted to a mechanical switch on the brake pedal? I was think about changing to the same style as a MGB with a switch through the pedal box. Any ideas?

You should already have a mechanical switch, or at least my 71 plus 2 has as standard. The switch is located at the forward face of the pedal box inside the engine bay. It should be threaded which facilitates adjustment.


Only switch I can see is the pressure switch and i have just talked to the PO and he confirms that.

There is no brake pressure switch on a plus 2. There may be a resevoir level switch in the top of the resevoir if yours is an S and if it is still fitted. There is a piece of plastic on the forward face of the pedal box with 2 wires attaching. This is the brake light switch. It is activated by a plunger against the brake pdeal mechanism inside the pedal box. IIRC it is normally depressed and pressing the pedal down releases the plunger and makes the circuit for the brake lights.


I have no wires coming out of the pedal box at all I have spent some time looking around to see if a electrical switch exist to no avail. I have located the pressure switch which is mounted on the frame underneath the carbs.
This seems to be the only switch. I do not have a brake level indicator on the reservoire.


It occurred to me over dinner that there may be some differences between the UK cars and those destined for the America’s, dual circuit brakes for example. Sure enough the wiring diagram for a Federal (aka North American) +2S130 shows a pressure differential switch which I must assume is to detect a failure in one of the circuits. I stand corrected.

However, if you have a 69, I assume it is a +2S with center ashtray and three fuse boxes under the hood (bonnet). When I look at that wiring diagram I find no such device. However there is a stop switch shown in the same circuit as on my UK spec 71 car (three fuse boxes). So if it is not on the pedal box then where is it? Can anyone with a Federal car provide guidance?

Do you have dual circuit brakes (two servos)?




It seems my +2 is bit of a mixture of fedral on U.K. spec’s I have one fuse box with two fuses. The pressure switch is down low underneath the stromberg carbs. Single line brake system brake servo has been removed. Brakes work really well with out and I have no intention of putting one back on. I will give Dave Bean a call and get a new switch for now but I will also check the wiring by taking the two wires off and connecting them that should make the brake lights come on if the wiring is okay. I would prefer to have a mechanical switch as well. I will keep you posted on progress.

I think the early +2s, like mine, have a pressure switch on the brake pipes inside the chassis on the RHS by the engine. Later ones have a mechanical switch on the pedal box. The later pedal boxes are narrower, allowing better access to the carburettor airbox.

I suppose the options are: to find a late pedal box; modify the one you have, or replace your pressure switch next time you need to bleed the brakes for any reason.

best regards, iain


I picked up a later pedal box and refurbished it only to find when I came to fit it that it wouldn’t fit,the fixings are different…

John :wink:

Pedal boxes seem to come in three types, as I found out… The parts book is quite clear, when you think to look at it! The late ones have the thread for a mechanical switch, early ones must therefore have a pressure switch. I only realized when I wondered why there were wires coming off a device on the brake line… My switch is located above the diff… weird.

Mine is an earlyish '68 +2. Watch out when sourcing replacement pedals, springs and shafts.
