Brake Callipers

I believe the Ean, +2 and the first Climax engined Elites all used a common brake calliper. My local stockest tell me that piston seals and dust seals are no long available as do JEM, and Past Parts. Any ideas who has a stock.

I guess you are on the wrong side of the pond?

You can get these bits from the usual UK suppliers, as they are quite small I would think that having them sent over by DHL etc would not be too costly.

The S1 & early S2’s (and I think proberbly the Elites) had smaller front calipers (girling kit SP 2529) These maybe harder to get but the later calipers fitted to later S2’s S3’s S4’s (Girling kit SP2697) should not be a problem and I think most of the UK suppliers Matty/Neil/SJS/Banks etc. keep them.
As far as I remember the plus 2 has two types, an early and late type, the piston seals being the same but the dust seals are different, although I have the numbers somewhere I cant find them, maybe someone else can help.

Further to my prevous post:
Plus 2 Girling Kits: early SP 2501 and late SP 2589

Thanks guys - am in Germany - have tried Past Parts, JEM and a couple of the well known Lotus parts Suppliers - same anwser - No stock amd Girling not interested in making any more"" HELP where do I go?
Chris Draper

If you have no joy at the U.K. suppliers I mentioned then keep an eye on ebay as they sometimes come up. There is the Lotus parts Fair at Stoneleigh in November if you can oganize a trip to the U.K.

When doing the rear calipers on my +2 I originally bought the seals from LS UK (Lucas) without any problem. When I had to go back for more, about 2 months ago, they told me that Girling had stopped stocking them and that they couldn’t supply anymore. I contacted C/N who were aware of the shortage and were busy trying to buy up as much stock as they could get their hands on. At that time they had sourced about 10 caliper repair kits. I bought what I needed, and I’ve told one other person who was also repairing his calipers.
I would guess that rear caliper repair kit are becoming thin on the ground, even from the usual suppliers.


E-bay has caliper repair kits on auction at this moment , see classic car, parts, lotus

The Elan, +2 and Elite generally all used different calipers - Elan = type 14, +2 type 16 and Elite 12SP.
Over the many years of production approximately 3 different dust seals were used and the latter calipers became service exchange units, so you have to know which type is fitted.
It is generally possible to buy new seals and boots but which ones do you want? if your not sure take a picture of the piston / boot and caliper send it to me and I will try and sort out what you need.


Are there any recommended sources in north america to obtain rear brake parts? I need to get new pistons and seals for my Elan. Also, am I right that the front calipers are Triumph and can be obtained through MOSS?


The front calipers on my Sprint are standard Triumph Spitfire units. When my old units seized up - after a 10 year rest :slight_smile: I decided new calipers were the way to go. Nice clean shiny units, new pistons and seals, around ?50 each. Seals and pistons would have cost around half but I figured this saved any problems with bore wear and was less work.
I just bought them from my ‘local’ Triumph spares supplier in Cambridge (UK)


In the USA, Dave Bean has kits for the front and rear calipers and they also have the “O” rings so you may split the calipers.

Regards, -Marc