Hi all
Before I try to reinvent the wheel I’d rather pinch someone else’s idea.
Any bright inventive owner come up with a better way of propping the boot lid SECURELY than the *****y spring arrangement. No sticks please!
Hi all
Before I try to reinvent the wheel I’d rather pinch someone else’s idea.
Any bright inventive owner come up with a better way of propping the boot lid SECURELY than the *****y spring arrangement. No sticks please!
Hi John,
My +2 came without the original spring type stay, but I found that Fiat X1-9’s use the same type of spring. Its heavier guage wire and needs shortening a bit but feels more positive when latched. I think I payed ?4 off ebay!
I thought it worked quite well on the Elan-Is the nylon bush attached to the boot worn? That would certainly cause the lid to drop easily.
If you loosen the bolt holding the nylon bush and turn the bush round to a ‘new’ unworn position, that might restore things. Unless the spring has lost it’s spring…
I agree, they work just fine…UNLESS YOU LUBRICATE THE NYLON BUSH…
Reviving an old thread…
The rear scuttle support brace on my Plus 2 is missing the short sticking-out piece brazed on that holds the boot stay and boot light switch. It snapped off at the base, and is rusted beyond recognition.
The parts manual gives me some idea, but it would be really helpful if somebody could post a close up photo of what I’m aiming to recreate. Even better, holding a ruler up against it! There is a mounting for the base of the boot stay on there too - I’m guessing that’s riveted or fixed on by bolts?
I will take an angle grinder to flatten off what I’ve got, and then weld a piece of similar box section on.
Thanks in advance
Perfect, many thanks! You can see the outline of the Linread switch too.
Really helpful
A couple more photos of the bracket. Took me a bit longer than Markcs to respond!
You will note that the hinge support bracket is twisted on mine to match the hinge position…
Can do a quick sketch if that would be helpful.
Thanks, Gary
Yours looks mint! Powdercoated? I was thinking of that once it’s welded back together.
Yes, powdercoated in satin black many years ago and now waiting patiently to be finally refitted. Best of luck with your repairs.