Hi all, what is the easist way of changing the boot release cable? There is no cable there as the guy had bought a new one to replace the burst one and had removed the old cable? What is the correct routing for it?
Al Cowan
My boot release cable routes from:
- the indent below the off side (RHD) door lock
- goes through the wheel arch (there is one securing clip high up just to the rear of the strut)
- then goes through the rear wheel arch into the boot. It comes through high up in the boot and close the side wall.
- there is one securing clip about midway between the entry into the boot and the bell crank just in front of the rear light.
- the outer sheath terminates on the bracket on the bell crank. The inner cable terminates on the bell crank itself.
For completeness:
- a rod connects the other side of the bell crank to the sliding plate of the boot lid catch.
I’ve just had the whole mechanism apart because I had to replace the sliding plate. (the original had broken at it’s thinnest part i.e. at where the hole has been cut to grip the pin on the boot lid)
Wonderful stuff duct tape. It held the boot lid closed and stopped us getting gassed by exhaust fumes while we drove home.
Hi Hamish,
Is it possible for you to post a photograph of how the spring fits on the back of the latch.
Didn’t have the camara when I took mine apart and at the moment I can’t find the spring.
Hi all
To fit a boot realease cable you first have to remove the sill closure plate in front of the rear wheel. The pull handle bit that goes through the door shut is held inplace by a nut behind, only accessible when you remove the sill plate. Also the bell crank machanisim was only introduced on later +2s. The early ones like mine used a longer cable which ran all the way to the release mechanism. Finally don’t forget to put a sealing grommit in the sill closure plate to seal the boot realease cable. Have fun.
Hi Gordon - I made the classic mistake from your book - Not enough pictures.
I think I must have the early one as my cable goes right through to the release machanisum. Am I correct in saying that there is a spring return for the sliding plate?
Yes, A simple extension spring underneath. you will find little holes on the left hand side of the slider and fixed plates.
The spring attaches to the latch plate through the small hole in the downward turned lip ~ at the opposite end to where the cable attaches.
The spring is only about 1?" long and the other end attaches to a small hole in the boot cill just to the nearside of the latch. Without this, I doubt if the latch would work.
If you still need a photo I’m afraid I can’t do anything 'till Monday evening (herself is away for the weekend and has purloined the cameras!)
Thanks for your replies - It looks as though the spring has sprung and dissapeared up the hoover.
So now down to a search on the internet!!
Hamish - A photograph would be good if you can.