Bonnet Spring

I searched the archive, but didn’t find what i was looking for. Could someone measure their bonnet spring and post the dimensions? I have a 72 Sprint that appears to have had the single spring since the bonnet has a mounting point in the center.

It would be great if someone could post the outer diameter, wire diameter, length of coils, overall length, and number of coils. If I find a suitable match (I saw that others have tried), I’ll post the source.


Forgot to ask, do the coils touch each other? Also, a picture would be great!!



Is there a problem getting them?

Susan Miller supplied mine.

Ray at R D Enterprises used to have them

Hood is off, so it’s easy to photo.

Overall length - 9"
Spring length - 5.5"
Coil diameter - 1"
Number of coils - 49
Diameter of lower loop 1.875"

Brian Clarke
(1972 Sprint)

If I somehow lost mine I’d be taking one off the kids trampoline and modifying it, they’re so close.


I may have an extra one of these single springs available. Let me know if you’re interested - I can’t look for it right now.

I’s also be interested in knowing if anyone has a source for the double springs as wee fitted to my S2.

Thanks for the measurements and picture Brian!

I just placed a large order with RD and the price for a new one is pretty high, so I will be seeing if I can find something close locally.

Art, I PM’d you about the spring you might have :slight_smile:


Frank at sports car world has the bonnet spring listed for $32.50 and is having a 10% off of in stock items at the moment.


PM sent.