Bonnet / Hood Release

I am just putting my S4 SE dhc back together after rewiring the entire car. Just one question though, having put the dash back in where does the bonnet/hood pull go. Any descriptions or photos much welcome :blink:

Steve - There are 2 bonnet release pulls located on either side of the center courtesy light in the 3/8" holes. The metal cable goes outboard and forward from each pull, just missing the heaters until it passes thru the firewall and engages the metal bonnet release springs in the engine compartment. Slightly different setup in cables for the S3/S4 - but you only asked about the dash. I could take a picture tonight and email it if you wish. If your glove box and speedo are in the dash already - it’s going to be tough to tighten the nut on the back of the release knobs–unless the radio is out. I installed mine before putting the dash in.
65 S2

On my '72, the bonnet release is a single pull handle mounted to bottom of the dashboard on the left hand side. It pulls the left bonnet release which subsequently pulls the right hand side one. I believe all S4s were like this.

The two pulls on either side of the radio opening is heater and choke.

Greg Z.
'72 Sprint

Thanks for the feedback. The bit I am looking for is how the pull, the bit you grab, is mounted. I have seen some that go through the dash next to the hand brake warning light, while others appear to be mounted some how under the dash?

Mine is actually mounted on the backside of the dash and the pull part hangs below the bottom edge of the dash. Send me your email and I’ll try to get a pic or two to you. I’m at [email protected]



Mine was mounted to the right of the steering column under the (RHD) dash on a triangular metal bracket. I’m not sure if this was standard or not but I’d be interested in seeing a picture of your arangement too - my dash is out at the moment and I’d like to put it back in the proper place (eventually…)
I’m at [email protected] - if you have a pic I’d appreciate it!


On my 72 Sprint, the release handle mounts on the dashboard directly next to the warning lamp on the right (it’s a RHD car)

I just purchased a 1970 Elan S4 SE. Have had it for only 3 days. Oddly enough my hood release is a double pull Suntour 10 speed bike gear change set up… It works great and is mounted on the E brake shaft. Easy pull of both levers, and the hood is released… Any one ever seen one like this. ??
My 2 black pull knobs on the dash, seem to be correct by the books as the right is the choke cable, and the left is the heater valve.

A good solution if you could not get hold of genuine bonnet/hood release :slight_smile:

I replaced the throttle cable with a cycle brake cable, much less expensive and instantly available from my local cycle shop B)


I have some photos of the under-dash area. I took these as I was taking my '69 S4 apart. I am sure that they will show the hood-release pull and its mounting. I will send you these photos tonight.

Rich Boyd