Bonjour ;-)

I am French and I come here for having some advices.
After an elise s135 and two sons, I have buy a '73 +2s 130/5 project.
It needs a full wishbone/shocks/brakes refresh, carpets change, and rear belts for my sons.
I also have a '71 Opel Gt 1900.
Best regards

Bonjour Cyril


Bonsoir, and welcome on the forum !

I don’t know plus2 that well, so regarding rear seat belts I would not know, but if there is a place on the net where you’re likely to find a constructive reply on such a question it is most likely here…

as for official suppliers, for a road car I usually go to Sue Miller or Kelsport first (no affiliations), and only very rarely need to go elsewhere.

keep it on the road!

If it doesn’t have belt fitted there should be mounts present for lap belts in the rear. My 73 +2S130/5 has mount but no belts. However you likely want to replace the outer mounts at least. They are steel and in the wheel well, they will rot from the inside out. They are cheap and not hard to replace.

I believe some suppliers (Spyder?) also sell a three point rear seat belt kit.

While you are there also check the steel sill members as they are very prone to rust.

Thank you for your welcome and your answers.
I have seen the spyder solution for 4 point harnesses. I am thinking of turning to this solution.
I have the outer supports for the belts which are indeed with surface corrosion (like wishbones).
I will have to do a big maintenance because the rear discs are 50 years old!

I would replace them, water can get behind them and rot from inside out. Mine didn’t look too bad but broke in to piece on removal. They are cheap and not hard to replace, not worth the risk IMO.

Welcome Cyril!

Welcome aboard!
It seems like you have a massive collection of great cars.

Bienvenue Cyril !

there is a previous discussion here that has some useful photos of how the belts mount…
