Bonded Windscreen Problem....advice Please

Hi Guys

The bonded windscreen on my plus 2s is coming away in one corner. I need a quick fix ahead of taking it out, spraying the car and putting it back properly in the future.

Can I suirt some silicone sealer in and apply pressure to the screen?

Here is a picture

My Windscreen

Many thanks


thats sound about right…its usually the clear stuff that you put round the bath of shower tray to stop those leaks…silicone or otherwise…just as long as it doesnt harden rigid…need to be slightly compressible/expandable

don’t use Bathroom stuff… it isn’t that good for sealing screens !! Most is Acrylic based.

There is some special silicon adhesive sealer… I have a tube just says “General Electric Silicon Adhesive” on it. It is 10x better.

Screen fitters probably use Silkaflex or a cheaper alternative
but be ware… it sticks anything to anything and is a burger to get off your hands!!


The best stuff is the black adhesive the screen fitters use to bond modern screens in.

When I needed some my local screen fitter sold me a tube.


Hi There

Thanks for the replies. Good idea. I think that I will try the screen fitters and see what they say. You can never tell what will stick to what.

By the way, how is that surround attached because that is in the wrong place on that corner as well.

Many thanks


There is also a product called “Tiger seal” which is similar to the stuff screen fitters use (Sikaflex as mentioned is another one) but I think the stuff used by the pro’s is stronger once fully dried.

I would trust Tiger seal to close and seal a gap but I don’t think I’d trust it to fully bond a screen in.

I think one of the other differences is that you can form a larger bead in the real stuff without it sagging everywhere.

Hi Again

The people at the Autoglass depot said that nothing will stick it back. They will (at my risk) try to get the old screen out if they can and clean the old bonding off with a knife and rebond for ?65. Now that sounds cheap. I am wondering if I should get the screen out myself (with cheesewire?) and let them do it.

Mind you I might try the silicone sealer route first.



It’s difficult to see from the photo but if the screen is basically tight in the aperture ie bonded in OK and you just have a leaky corner the screen bonding glue will certainly bridge the gap and once set it will keep the rain out.

The only correct way is to remove the screen and rebond it as they told you. At ?65 I would be tempted … its a horrible job. You can never guarantee that the screen will not crack unfortunately :frowning:


if you can get to the space from the inside you could possibly force some sealant in. I have these West Systems syrindes with 1 inch long very narrow pointed ends that I sue for injecting liquids and sealants in tight places. Here is a picture, although mine have always been straight.…64614&BANNERID=

or you search for WEST 807 SYRINGE


I pulled some of the trim off and the screen is coming adrift in a big way. In fact so big that I think it might have been fitted using something other than the correct materials. It will have to come out.

With regards to the trim, I am reluctant to fit the old trim back, or indeed new trim, because I will be respraying the car at a later date, and will want to paint under it. Do people silicone (or similar) it on afterwards, because it looks like it should clip around the glass while the bonding material is still soft.

Many thanks
