I live in Kent/East Sussex border area & my Elan body requires repairing/respraying. I have obtained a quote from Maidstone Sports Cars & wondered if anybody has any work done by them or knows of anybody else in the area. Your comments would be greatly appreciated.
I was chatting to a friend last night on the very same subject. I regard painting an/my elans, as a one off. Something to be done once only, in the lifetime of either the car or my ownership. When i read on the forum that a car painted 10 odd years ago, now needs repainting, i am amazed, and can only assume that it was not painted either well, or correctly, those 10 years ago.
I say this, because, an Elan i had painted OVER 15 YEARS AGO, still looks as good today as it did then, AND ITS BLACK! It was painted by SMS, in Lincolnshire. I know some people have had their squabbles with them, but im sure that was just personalities. Their work is top draw, and some of the best restorers use them for painting. And just in case anyone was wondering, I have NO connection to them whatsoever.
So as far as i am concerned Rick, dont worry about finding someone necessarily close to you. Make the effort, maybe visit a few places, and have a look at what each firm you visit is churning out, work wise. Obviously, you are looking for a firm that specialises in fibreglass painting, not some bloke who recons he can turn his hand to painting your plastic car as a favour. YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, as in everything in this world. If you have to transport your car some distance, so be it. Unless of course, you are just looking for a blow over.
And lastly, I doubt that Alex Black will be needing to have his Elan painted again in 10 years time. He paid strong money, but what a job!
My brother has a place in Hertfordshire that specialises in Lotus work. Currently has my Sprint and JPS Europa in if you want to look at something, or give me an email addy and I’ll send some pics.