Hi there,
Can anybody give me details of a supplier for metal bobbins-currently got a problem with the headlight pod pivot bobbins on my plus 2/S130.
Martin B
Hi there,
Can anybody give me details of a supplier for metal bobbins-currently got a problem with the headlight pod pivot bobbins on my plus 2/S130.
Martin B
The 1/4" UNC bobbins seem to be the most difficult to source even though they are the commonest on the car. I’ve bought others from Paul Matty but they didn’t have the 1/4" last time I tried.
I have heard that Miles Wilkins has the rights to re-manufacture, you could try him.
Think twice about replacing headlamp bobbins, if teh thread’s gone it is probably easier to drill them out and tap with a larger thread, I’m replacing the bonnet bobbins and I wish I’d gone down the drill and tap route. I would clamp the pods in position and then drill straight through both bobbins to ensure that they are properly aligned.
What problem do you have with the bobbins?
Alloy bobbins for fibreglass work are quite common, over the years we have made several batches of bobbin for our own use
and also for others, we can supply them raw (Unfinished) so that customer can clear drill, or drill & tap to whatever thread size they desire, bearing in mind that UNC is the best thread form to use. And if you don’t know how to drill and tap a thread, or you don’t have the tools, we can do that for you.
PM me to discuss.
Bit more info at elan-f15/bobbins-t12516.html
Thanks for the replies.
Colin-the problem is down to my own stupid fault.Had problems with the thread in one of the bobbins so,instead of running a tap through it, I tried to run a bolt through. Guess what?..bolt sheared flush and on trying to drill it out,the drill ran off centre. So, HEX bobbin now on my bench.
I am going to contact a machine shop early next week to see if they can run a few off for me.
CeeJay-will be in touch as well.Your picture shows oval bobbins but did you manufacture Hex as well?
Martin B