Two weeks ago we ran the local MGA club’s annual Gymkhana/time trial
at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn and the S4 has been the garage
since. We loaded it up today for another MG club’s Fall Foliage ride
on Long Island, hopped in the car and the clutch pedal went to the
floor with no resistance at all. A quick check under the dash did
not find anything amiss, so I popped the hood and found the fluid
reservoir totally empty. No indication of any leaks, no puddles or
brake fluid smell. It was probably running low and the current dumb
owner (me) did not check it often enough.
Anyway - I can use some tips on bleeding the line. I’ve read the
manual and it seems like an easy job once I get the front of the car
high enough so I can reach the bleed screw. My question: the line
between the master cylinder and the slave looks like a braided steel
hose which makes a loop as it leaves the master cylinder and runs
down the side of the engine. How can I be sure there is no air left
in the top of this loop?
I assume that once I get the air (or most of the air) out of the
system I’ll be able to get the car to someone with a vacuum bleeder
but I’d like to be able to get the air out by myself.
Any suggestions?
I also have to find out where the fluid went, but unless it’s a major
leak, that is secondary at this time.
I also got my first flat the day after the time trial - it was flat
in the garage. These are the first problems I’ve had in three years
and both were in the garage. This car is very considerate!
Steve B.
PS: we did the Foliage Run in the X1/9. Slower but still fun in the