Blank for ignition key late Sprint


does anyone recognize this ignition key?
I need a second set of keys but cannot find the correct blanks.

The car in question is a 1972 Elan Sprint with the ignition switch on the steering column rather than the dashboard. The car is original spec throughout.
We tried the Ilco blank mentioned here, but it is different. Any ideas?


How are you?

Looks like a previous owner lost the original keys/had keys cut on a different blank.

Very modern looking!

Mine are old Ford keys, very old fashioned looking.

If you’re looking for originality I’d guess that you should be looking for old Ford (escort? cortina) blanks.

But any blank that is not too thick should do.

Peter '73 +2S 130/5

The key is the same as the ones I have had for both my plus 2’s. I believe they are the original design.

I got a new blank of the same design from a guy at the NEC Classic Car Show. Cost me a fiver. I think he was called The Key Man, or something like that. Anyway he said that he doesn’t sell online - just does a couple of shows a year. You’ll have to look out for him.

edit - Sorry, just noticed you are in Germany. Maybe worth a visit to this years UK classic car show…?

uhh, two completely different opinions ---- :slight_smile:

Well I would like to think the key is original, at least the ignition switch itself is.

I am in Germany, so unfortunately the Key Man is not an option… :unamused:

Can someone else confirm it’s the original spec key?
I am sure the design is not exclusive to Lotus, there must be other applications…

Same as my 72 sprint. Try Sue Miller

My 1973 Sprint had an ignition key like the one in the photo. My local locksmith here in Dublin had blanks in stock six months ago, but without the plastic. It must an easily available key type. Unfortunately I no longer have the car and so cannot identfy the key type code.

Try UK suppliers. Sue Miller is a good place to start as already suggested.

John Larkin.

The key looks similar to my Sprint ignition key.
When I had a duplicate cut the guy did not have the correct looking key so just cut in onto a smaller headed one.
Works fine.


Have a look at ,based in the US, DM1RAP looks similar to your key, unfortunately out of stock but alternate manufacturers part numbers are listed.



It is identical to my series one jaguar xj6 (1972).
They are ‘WASO’ keys that came with many BL cars.

Come to think of it, our pickup truck (s3 xj6 1985) has
the same ignition key!



here are the jaguar keys, sorry for the soft focus, the iphone does not
do macro too well.

I used key-men with great results. I had removed the lock and sent them the code on it and they cut perfect new keys. The keys that came car were so badly worn I could not get good copies made.

Thanks guys, I’ll go down the WASO route and speak to my local “Schl?ssel-Man” to see if he can get WASO blanks based on Jaguar/Triumph applications… :smiley:

For info - I’ve just found that an early 70s Jaguar key blank DM1R works fine for my '73 +2S with a steering column lock. In stock at and cut by (Blackwater, Surrey) who were extremely helpful.

