Best Buy: refurbished calipers from Classicar Automotive

I have just received my Elan front calipers back from Classicar Automotive after refurbishment. They have done a superb job, see the picture attached. They only took a few days to do them, new pistons and seals, bolts and bleed nipples, and they have been beautifully cadmium plated and passivated. I must admit I felt a slight stiffening of my suspension when I unwrapped them, they looked so good. The cost? ?38.50 per caliper plus VAT. Amazing value. Add up the cost of pistons/seals/bolts/nipples etc and see how close that gets you to ?38.50. Then hours spent cleaning, and painting (which never stays on cast iron anyway), then brake fluid melts the paint so they end up looking crap anyway, even after all that work. They certainly won’t look as good as these, no way!
I have no connection with Classicar Automotive, apart from being a very satisfied customer. Their number is 01625 860910. Their email is [email protected]

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That does seem remarkably good value

(Stored in the memory for future reference)

Just to make you feel even better, I had a couple of calipers done by them in 1978…they are still fine and the plating still all there…nearly 30 years later! I’ve had a lot of work done by them since and it’s always been first class. It really isn’t worth doing the job yourself now on such old and vital components.

What a beautiful job.! I usually do the work myself because I am not happy with the work I get back… but those calipers I consider perfect.

Is there any way we can start a non partisan Elan business listing for “I LOVE 'EM for their honesty and quality/satisfaction commitment” endorsement on
What would the thread be titled?
I’ll immediately recommend rdent.

I think that is the purpose of the Business and Vendors Listing section, down below the discussion forums and “for sale” section. :slight_smile:

Ooooh, I can feel the prices rising now :unamused: